Rehani - Pensive echoes in the stillness of being - ERA Submission.pdf
Rehani - Pensive echoes in the stillness of being - ERA Submission.png

Pensive echoes in the stillness of being

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This image captures a moment during a qualitative interview of a young man, a user of advanced lower-limb prosthesis, as he shares his narrative sitting in an empty sports arena. He is pensive, perhaps reflecting on the life he lived before or a life he has chosen now. As he narrates, a researcher takes notes. The microphone and notebook serve as symbols of the qualitative interview, while the researcher's handwritten notes convey their active engagement in the lived experience being shared.

    Studying lived experiences holds profound value in understanding the complexities of human existence as it offers invaluable insights into human emotion, resilience, and adaptation. My doctoral research explores changes in health-related quality of life of persons with lower-limb amputation who use sophisticated prosthetic devices. By delving into personal narratives, I've gained a deeper appreciation for the nuanced realities these persons navigate daily. By listening to patient narratives, healthcare practitioners can tailor their approaches to better meet their diverse needs, fostering effective communication, trust, and collaboration for improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International