
Reconsidering Difference: The Curricular and Pedagogical Significance of Holism

  • Author / Creator
    Zahra Nooruddin Kasamali
  • This dissertation posits that the false universalism of liberal philosophy shapes common sense approaches to curriculum and pedagogy. Liberal philosophies prefer sameness which results in increased considerations of sameness at the expense of honouring difference. The concern with common sense approaches is that it flattens out opportunities for holism to manifest in educational contexts and guide students. Consequently, this work reconceptualizes difference because it has been misunderstood in the literature. Insights gleaned from former Aboriginal Studies 30 students’ experiences with the holism undergirding the course reveal that holistic insights can help to reposition how young people participate in difficult conversations on difference. Their experiences illuminate the transformative and generative potential of difference that can inspire deepened expressions of connectivity and belonging that are not beholden to Canadian citizenship and nationality. These wonders are expressed through a presentation of métissage that is guided by Cree philosophies and Qur’anic teachings expressed in Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi’s poetry. This métissage addresses what is missed on curricular and pedagogical landscapes. Reconnecting with embodied knowledges and shared sacred ecological roots may inspire more balanced ways to live and relate with each other.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2019
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
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