
Cascaded Processing in Serial RAN and Reading Fluency: A Study with University Students

  • Author / Creator
    Pamela Rose Eberharter
  • The current study investigates the hypothesis that rapid automatized naming (RAN) is related to
    reading fluency because both tasks rely on the ability to simultaneously process multiple items
    presented in serial fashion (termed cascaded processing). One hundred undergraduate students
    (67 females, 33 males, Mage = 22.63 years, SD = 5.16) from the University of Alberta were
    assessed on RAN Digits (discrete and serial) as well as on word- and text-reading fluency. In
    addition, they performed a RAN Letters task in an eye tracking session. The results indicated that
    whereas performance in serial RAN accounted for unique variance in word- and text-reading
    fluency when discrete RAN performance was controlled for, the opposite was not true.
    Furthermore, eye movement parameters (fixation count, fixation duration, and regression count)
    in RAN Letters accounted for unique variance in text-reading fluency even after controlling for
    the effects of word reading fluency. Taken together, these findings extend those of previous
    studies with children and suggest that simultaneous processing of serial items is critical in
    understanding the RAN-reading relationship as well as how reading fluency develops.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2019
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Education
  • DOI
  • License
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