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"Good cownsell for an erroneous conscyence": William Bonde, Lutheran Polemic, and Orthodox Reform in the Late Middle Ages
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
SSHRC Awarded IDG 2016: The heart of this project is careful textual analysis of "The Directory of Conscience" and "The Pilgrimage of Perfection" written by William Bonde, who joined the Birgittine community of monks and nuns at Syon Abbey early in the sixteenth century. The Birgittines played a decisive role in popular resistance to Lutheran texts in the decade preceding Henry VIII’s break from the Roman Catholic Church in 1535. Research results will be a less well-known story of the English Reformation, one of the complexity of lay piety in the Middle Ages, the role of women in the English Reformation, Syon Abbey's reimagining of the relationships and differences between religious and lay person, and popular resistance as guided by a series of texts originating from the nation’s then most important monastic establishment. The research will form the preliminary stage in a larger book-length project that will provide the first sustained textual analysis of work by the Syon brothers from the early sixteenth century.
- Date created
- 2016-02-01
- Subjects / Keywords
- Arts and Culture
- Medieval Literature
- Religious Studies
- William Bonde
- English Literature
- 2016
- Book History
- Lay Piety
- 1500-1541
- St. Bridget of Sweden
- Monasticism
- The Directory of Conscience
- Successful SSHRC
- Insight Development Grant
- Medieval
- Book research
- Melancholy, religious
- Classics
- History
- English Reformation
- Christianity
- Grant Application
- Genres
- Popular Religion
- England
- Europe
- Late Middle Ages
- Italy
- Devotional Literature
- The Pilgrimage of Perfection
- Lutheran Polemic
- Brigittine Spirituality
- Syon Abbey
- Orthodox Reform
- Medieval Piety
- Martin Luther
- Lectio Divina
- Gender
- France
- Germany
- Medieval Studies
- 1500 - 1541
- Italy
- France
- England
- Germany
- Type of Item
- Research Material
- License
- © Alakas, Brandon. All rights reserved other than by permission. This document embargoed to those without UAlberta CCID until 2022.