
fifty-nine events

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • fifty-nine events is a thesis exhibition that speculates the affordances of form in mediated
    performance art and issues of performance art documentation and (re)presentation. An art
    historical overview of performance art theories and praxes contextualizes and re-visits debates
    of performance art documentation and its (re)presentation, situating mediation as inherent to
    any cultural form or product. Contextualizing performance art through the global COVID-19
    pandemic provides a point of entry in re-considering the intersubjectivities and object-relations
    of performance art and performance art documentation as historically contingent, rather than
    ontologically fixed. An open call for participation circulated through various media becomes the
    subsequent mode of inquiry; a one-year performance project mobilizes and puts into practice
    questions and ideas explored earlier. Finally, the thesis exhibition is realized as a cumulation
    of performance-based video works developed in response to the open call for participation,
    whereby the artist solicits, collects, and (re)performs over one-hundred performance instruction
    scores submitted by a mediated public. With a number of sudden deaths in the artists’ family
    over the course of the project, the works coalesce actions performed in response to a digitally
    mediated public and actions performed in response to personal tragedy. Made largely during a
    period of governmental mandatory social distancing, this thesis exhibition attempts to articulate
    and re-imagine what the very form of performance art, its (re)presentation, and mediation
    affords in contemporary happenings.

  • Date created
  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Type of Item
    Research Material
  • DOI
  • License
    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International