
Proteome Analyst - Transparent High-throughput Protein Annotation: Function, Localization and Custom Predictors

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  • Technical report TR03-05. Modern sequencing technology now permits the sequencing of entire genomes, leading to thousands of new gene sequences in need of detailed annotation. It is too time consuming to predict the properties of each protein sequence manually and to organize the results of many prediction tools by hand. The prediction process must be automated so the predictions can be automatically organized, but the predictions must also be transparent. That is, the rationale for each prediction should be easily examinable by anyone that wishes to use the prediction. Proteome Analyst (PA) is a web-based system for predicting the properties of each protein in a proteome. PA has three interesting features. First, it provides a single web-based tool that allows the user to select a wide range of analytic tools and automatically apply them to each protein in a proteome. In essence, PA provides one-stop automatic high-throughput analysis. Second, PA has the ability to explain its predictions to users. PA is based on established machine learning techniques, but makes every prediction transparent to its users. Third, PA allows users to easily create their own transparent custom predictors without programming. | TRID-ID TR03-05

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    Attribution 3.0 International