Household and Moose Hunting Survey Results for Newfoundland

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  • Forests supply a diverse combination of market and nonmarket goods creating a complex management problem for the utilization of the forest resource. The values associated with conventional forest products, such as lumber and pulp and paper, pass directly through the market system. On the other hand, there are many benefits derived from nontimber resources that do not pass through the market system that are more difficult to measure, such as the value of a day spent hunting, fishing, or birdwatching. It is becoming increasingly important to identify these nonmarket benefits due to the increased pressures on our natural resources, the increased demand for nontimber resources, and society's strong desire to preserve our natural heritage for future generations. Forest land managers on Crown lands are faced with managing forests not only for the timber and the wood products produced from it, but also for other uses such as wildlife and recreation. Managing the forest for multiple use is an enormous challenge and the key to success is the recognition of the interdependencies between uneven aged timber stands, wildlife habitat, watershed maintenance and forest recreation. The difficulty lies in the selection of the optimal management program so as to best provide the combined social net benefits from timber and other multiple use services where the optimal forest management program will depend on the relative values of wood production and nontimber resources. A major constraint to integrated resource management in Newfoundland is inadequate information on forest land values apart from commercial timber. In Newfoundland, fish and wildlife living in forest habitats are important social benefits strongly linked to rural life throughout the province. Although some biophysical data exists, no research has been done to estimate the corresponding economic values. The objective of the project through personal interviews, a household survey and a moose hunting survey was to estimate some of the economic values associated with the nontimber resources in Newfoundland. As well as collecting data for travel cost analysis and contingent valuation analysis, the surveys also collected information on respondent's perception of the quality of the forest resource, the socioeconomic profiles of the respondents, and various other factors. The objective of this paper is to summarize the descriptives of the surveys, the survey design and the socioeconomic profile of the respondents. Chapter 2 reviews the survey design. Chapter 3 summarizes the results of the household survey and Chapter 4 summarizes the results of the moose hunting strategy. The results of the personal interview survey as presented in Appendix A. For the exact wording of the surveys, refer to Appendix B.

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