
Computational Chemistry in Parallel

  • Author / Creator
    Hennessey, Dylan
  • General Purpose computing with Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) is a method of com-putation that allows for calculations to be performed in parallel. Graphics Processing Units(GPU) allow a single basic computer to perform as well as a super computer cluster composedof only Central Processing Units (CPU), at a fraction of the cost. As quantum computa-tional chemistry scales very poorly with the size of systems, the use of GPGPU has been avery effective tool for quantum chemists.This thesis presents a program called cudaDFRATOM. This program, written in CUDAFortran, allows for the calculation and optimization of Well-Tempered Basis Sets (WTBS)at the four-component relativistic level of theory. Except for a few small initial calculationsand control flow, all work is performed entirely on the GPU.When calculating the two-electron integrals, cudaDFRATOM uses a very effective methodof utilizing as much of the GPU’s resources as possible and can calculate these integrals ap-proximately 20 times faster than a similar program running on only a CPU.Two different algorithms for forming the P and Q supermatrices are presented. Therelatively small size of these matrices and the need to use double-precision floating-pointoperations stunts the speedup of these algorithms such that they only attain a speedup ofabout 2 times over the CPU program. An overall speedup of about 4 times is achieved bycudaDFRATOM.In addition, new WTBS are calculated for non-relativistic levels of theory using therWTBS program and at the four-component relativistic level of theory using cudaDFRATOM.In both cases, a novel algorithm for automating the optimization of these basis sets was used.The algorithm finds a basis set that is as small a possible while still retaining sufficient ac-curacy to numerical calculations.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2018
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
  • License
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