
Middle Kingdom on the Margins: The Perilous Journey of Chinese into the MLA and other Radical Ruminations

  • Comparative Literature Studies

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • A polemic on the need to decolonize the implicit apartheid system of the Modern Language Association, which although it claims the entire territory of "modern languages" and all that that entails, is almost entirely dominated by European languages and mainstream English/American studies. In this article, I put forth suggestions for how to reform the organization, which boasts that it is the largest humanities academic association in the world. I suggest that the MLA needs non-Western studies as much as we need it and that we should work together to improve the situation. The article, along with others in this special theme issue, was pivotal in motivating reform in the MLA and the move from a "division" system to a more inclusive "forum" structure.

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  • Type of Item
    Article (Published)
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International