
Identifying Mathematic Technology Tools for Student Success

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  • Technology is immersed in everyday classrooms in hopes of creating effective, knowledgeable and successful 21st century learners. Today’s students are expected to prepare for the modern workforce by developing essential skills in literacy, numeracy and using technology creatively and productively to solve problems by thinking deeply and logically. Teachers are expected to integrate technology into their daily lessons as schools strive to become leaders in using technology in the classroom.

    With critical and thoughtful implementation, technology can help change and enrich the student learning environment. Improved transference skills, retention, application of knowledge, student engagement and motivation can result through immediate feedback and assessments using digital tools. While technology is a powerful tool, it requires schools to make financial investments and teachers to make time commitments. Therefore schools and educators must consider both potential benefits and challenges for student learning prior to its implementation.

    Specific Google applications and their potential implementation in a direct instruction math classroom will be described. Each tool will include suggestions on how to use it in a purposeful way to achieve student success. Qualitative aspects will be used to select Google applications for each element of a direct instruction lesson for a junior high math classroom and suggested lessons evaluated on the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) model. The study will provide ideas using the tools to lead to positive and transformative impact on student learning, allowing teachers to see the value with technology in the classroom and realize technology lessons do not need to be elaborate and overwhelming.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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  • License
    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
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