John B. Smith Archive - Periods and Themes Bundle 2 (1970-1984)
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
A bundle of the works of John B. Smith corresponding to the period of 1970-1984, provided by John B. Smith from his personal collection. In this period, Smith had a joint appointment at Penn State University in the English department and Computation Center. His instructional duties were a blend of English and interdisciplinary subjects. English courses included literature and composition, while the interdisciplinary courses blended science and humanities concerns in courses like Science and Human Values. Smith's contributions to the digital humanities expanded in the 1970s, in part due to his role in the Computing Center as the applications staff member focused on computers and the liberal arts. Over the course of the decade, he developed a three-course sequence on technology and methods for Liberal Arts students; in 1977, he discontinued his Computation Center appointment to teach it half-time in the College of Liberal Arts. Other notable activities include natural language processing techniques, computer-assisted of literature and oral performances, and bibliography systems and practices. He also became interested in literary critical theory, particularly in exploring it as a distinct mode of intellectual inquiry. The files provided here are a combination of PDFs scanned from original texts, with .tif versions of the relevant figures and illustrations. All originals are held by John B. Smith.
- Date created
- 1970-1985
- Subjects / Keywords
- Factor analysis
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
- Folk sermons / oral tradition
- Digital humanities
- Computer criticism
- Marxist criticism
- Thematic structure and complexity
- Principal components analysis
- Shakespeare World Bibliography
- History of digital humanities
- Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling
- James Joyce
- Humanities computing
- ARRAS Literary Analysis System
- Formulaic structure
- Text analysis
- Text access systems
- Bibliographic systems
- Computer-assisted literary analysis
- John B. Smith
- Fourier analysis
- Image analysis
- Type of Item
- Research Material