
PalmIRA: Information Retrieval in the Palm of Your Hand

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • Technical report TR02-16. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) are becoming increasingly popular and with this increase in popularity comes the increased number of applications that store textual data within the PDA. The research area of information retrieval has developed a number of effective and efficient techniques for more powerful desktop computers which can not be directly applied to PDAs due to storage and CPU constraints. This thesis introduces PalmIRA, an information retrieval system containing a PDA based portion and a PC based portion specifically designed for the characteristics of a PDA, more specifically a PalmOS based PDA. The design attempts to create an efficient and effective information retrieval system. This thesis also introduces a new collection fusion technique and a few measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed collection fusion procedure. | TRID-ID TR02-16

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    Attribution 3.0 International