Communities and Collections

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of

    The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology belongs to the School of Human Development in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta. Faculty members encompass the full range of academic medicine. An accomplished team of educators trains medical undergraduate and postgraduate students in the provision of innovative patient care, while the department's distinguished cadre of scientists focuses on clinical, discovery and translational research.

    • OER Alberta

      The OER Alberta Community is a collection of Open Educational Resources (OER) produced by individuals and institutions in Alberta. It includes presentation materials from OER conferences held in the province, along with OER on a range of topics. The collection also supports the work of the Alberta OER Community of Practice.

      • Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)

        The Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN) is a university-based, independent organization that compiles, interprets and analyses available knowledge about returning landscapes and water impacted by oil sands mining to a natural state and gets that knowledge into the hands of those who can use it to drive breakthrough improvements in reclamation regulations and practices. OSRIN is a project of the University of Alberta’s School of Energy and the Environment (SEE). OSRIN was launched with a start-up grant of $4.5 million from Alberta Environment and a $250,000 grant from the Canada School of Energy and Environment Ltd.

        • Oncology, Department of

          The Department of Oncology is a clinical and basic sciences department created in 1993 that provides a focus for cancer-related teaching and research. The Department has seven academic divisions: Experimental Oncology, Medical Oncology, Medical Physics, Oncologic Imaging, Palliative Care Medicine, Radiation Oncology, and Surgical Oncology. There are 105 full-time members of the Department and 44 adjunct members. Six of the Divisions are comprised of faculty members who are clinicians or service professionals in applied disciplines and one, the Division of Experimental Oncology, is comprised of basic scientists engaged in discovery and translational cancer research.

          • Opening Up Copyright (OUC)

            The Opening Up Copyright (OUC) community contains two collections of materials from the University of Alberta's Opening Up Copyright Instructional Module Series. The "Module Materials" collection contains copies of module videos, transcripts, and PowerPoint slides. The "Scholarly Contributions" collection contains copies of conference presentations and journal articles that have been developed by the OUC team and examine various facets of the series. All materials are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. The fully interactive versions of the modules can be viewed at the project website:

            • Ophthalmology, Department of

              Ophthalmology at the University of Alberta began as the Division of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology in 1935 with Dr. Mark Marshall as the Director. In 1969, under the guidance of then Divisional Director, Dr. Alastair Boyd, we became a department. We have trained 95 ophthalmologists since our Residency Training Program began in 1960, of which 24 are currently working as academic and clinical academic staff in the Department of Ophthalmology.

              • Pan American Current Research On Fluid Inclusions Conference (PACROFI)

                Digitized proceedings of the biannual Pan American Current Research On Fluid Inclusions conference. This collection includes abstracts submitted to and presented at the conference. Early volumes, in addition, include short summaries and references to fluid inclusion papers with particular emphasis on manuscripts published in languages other than English.

                • Pediatrics, Department of

                  The Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta is dedicated to the advancement of child health through the delivery of exemplary patient care, teaching, and research. The department contributes to and advocates for the child health community through a network of pediatric physicians, scientists, educators, nurses and allied health professionals. With a cohort of over 130 academic staff, across 20 clinical specializations, the department fosters a strong environment of multi-disciplinary collaboration and teamwork. Critical ties to community, provincial, national and international colleagues further promote and expand the department's boundaries in innovation and discovery.

                  • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of

                    The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has a long and proud history of achievement. It began as a department in the Faculty of Medicine on April 13, 1914. The Faculty annually admits 130 students who have satisfied prerequisite requirements (1 year minimum) into the BSc in pharmacy program and currently has about 60 graduate students. There are about 40 teaching and research faculty members. Our students excel nationally and have received the Burbidge Award for the highest combined score on the national Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada exam in 2005, 2009, and 2010.

                    • Philosophy, Department of

                      The Philosophy Department at the University of Alberta offers a well-rounded program in many areas of philosophy. These include the traditional areas of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic and the history of philosophy. Besides these areas, we have particular strengths in the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, feminist and political philosophy, biomedical ethics, and certain areas of modern and 20th century philosophy.

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