Journal Articles (Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation)
Items in this Collection
- 5Peers, Danielle
- 4Yardley, J. E.
- 3Eales, Lindsay
- 2Bracken, R. M.
- 1Author NB was supported by an Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Summer Studentship. This collaborative work was made possible by Swansea University Research Grant Enabler (SURGE) funding.
- 1Bouchard, D.
- 2Exercise
- 1Age
- 1Arts-based research; qualitative methods; disability; critical disability studies
- 1Closed Loop
- 1Contingent Valuation Method
- 1Continuous Glucose Monitoring
In 2014 Jennifer Cramblett, a white lesbian, filed a Complaint forWrongful Birth alleging that the Midwest Sperm Bank mistakenly provided sperm from an African–American donor. In this article, we trace the complex and over-lapping lines of legal and social inheritance that have conditioned not...
Eales, Lindsay, Peers, Danielle
Care is a dirty word for many in our communities. “Care giving” has become a euphemism for often-indifferent, under-funded, labor that is done to our bodies to (barely) enable our continued survival. Care is a dirty word in many of our leftist-feminist communities. Care work is a classification...
Houlder, S. K., Yardley, J. E.
Prior to the widespread use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), knowledge of the effects of exercise in type 1 diabetes (T1D) was limited to the exercise period, with few studies having the budget or capacity to monitor participants overnight. Recently, CGM has become a staple of many...
Could Age, Sex and Physical Fitness Affect Blood Glucose Responses to Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes?
Yardley, J. E., Brockman, N. K., Bracken, R. M.
Closed-loop systems for patients with type 1 diabetes are progressing rapidly. Despite these advances, current systems may struggle in dealing with the acute stress of exercise. Algorithms to predict exercise-induced blood glucose changes in current systems are mostly derived from data involving...
Engaging axiology: Enabling meaningful transdisciplinary collaboration in adapted physical activity
In this article, I explore the concept of axiology in the context of adapted physical activity research and analyze its connection to the more commonly discussed paradigmatic assumptions of epistemology and ontology. Following methodo- logical scholars, I argue for an acknowledgment of the...
Interstitial glucose and physical exercise in type 1 diabetes: Integrative physiology, technology, and the gap in-between
Moser, O., Yardley, J. E., Bracken, R. M.
Continuous and flash glucose monitoring systems measure interstitial fluid glucose concentrations within a body compartment that is dramatically altered by posture and is responsive to the physiological and metabolic changes that enable exercise performance in individuals with type 1 diabetes....
Eales, Lindsay, Peers, Danielle
Where is the moving body in our written bodies of work? How might we articulate truly unspeakable and deeply moving moments of understanding? In what ways can we reflect and honor the knowl- edge of those who do not use academic words, English words, or any words at all? How might art move us to...
Peers, Danielle, Spencer-Cavaliere, Nancy, Eales, Lindsay
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly (APAQ) currently mandates that authors use person-first language in their publications. In this viewpoint article, we argue that although this policy is well intentioned, it betrays a very particular cultural and disciplinary approach to disability: one that is...