Digital Library North
This is a joint project between the University of Alberta School of Library and Information Studies and the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre (ICRC). The project seeks to better understand the information needs and information seeking behaviours of the Inuvaluit people, as well as the extent and nature of the documentary hertiage of the Inuvialuit people. This information will be used to inform the development of a digital library service for the Inuvialuit Cutural Resource Centre.
Items in this Collection
- 26Stobbs, Robyn
- 16Campbell, Sandy
- 14Digital Library North
- 10Farnel, Sharon
- 7Rathi, Dinesh
- 7Shiri, Ali
- 14Canada, Northwest Territories, Inuvik
- 5Canada, Inuvialuit Settlement Region
- 4Canada, Northwest Territories, Aklavik
- 4Iglukpak - Piksauyak (qivs)
- 4Igluqpak - Pichaaq (qivu)
- 4Photographs
Digital Library North, Stobbs, Robyn
A power pole in the foreground supports transmission cables for electricity and other utilities. In permafrost environments, utilities have to be delivered above ground, so poles are used for multiple services. In the background are the MacKenzie Delta and the Richardson Mountains.
Stobbs, Robyn, Digital Library North
The Aurora Research Institute uses this small wind turbine for research.