Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage
Items in this Collection
Boliden’s Aitik mine, located 100 km north of the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden, is one of Europe’s largest copper mines. This operation produces 18 Mt of ore per year and 99 per cent of this tonnage needs to be deposited as tailings. The tailings pond currently covers 1140 ha but at closure...
Williams, D. J., Currey, N. A., Ritchie, P., Wilson, G. W.
The design and rehabilitation of potentially acid forming (PAF) waste rock dumps is site specific, being a function, among other factors, of the rock types, the dumping and storage method employed, and the climatic setting. The ‘store and release’ cover system developed to manage acid rock...
Williams, B., Neivandt, R., O’Kane, M., Browne, D., White, C.
Newmont Australia is the operator of the Mt Leyshon mine near Charters Towers, Queensland. Mt Leyshon is an open cut gold mine, which processed on average 5.0 Mt of ore and produced up to 250 000 ounces of gold per year. Mining was completed in early-2001, followed by treatment of low-grade ore...
Hershey, R. L., Papelis, C., Decker, D. L., Miller, G. C.
Arsenic, often associated with precious metals ore deposits, is a major contaminant released during large-scale gold mining. Because of the complex oxidation/reduction and sorption behaviour of As, prediction of the long-term mobility of As in pit lakes is uncertain. The behaviour of As in pit...
Thienenkamp, M., Lottermoser, B. G.
The placement of sulfidic waste below the groundwater table ensures limited interaction with the hydrosphere and suppression of sulfide oxidation. However, if sulfidic waste is placed above the groundwater table and remains uncovered, the backfill becomes part of the unsaturated zone and is...
Limnological processes are often overlooked when trying to assess the long-term water quality of pit lakes. It is essential to deal with these aspects, since they determine the geochemical and redox conditions around the submerged reactive rocks. Underground mining at East Sullivan (northwestern...
Donovan, J. J., Leavitt, B. R., Werner, E.
The chemistry of acidic mine drainage discharging from flooded coal mines is commonly reported to improve with time after flooding. This investigation describes a 18-year dataset of post-flooding water chemistry for a below-drainage underground coal mine within the northern Pittsburgh coal basin...
Kuo, E. Y., Ritchie, A. I. M., Timms, G. P.
Monitoring of water infiltration into White’s waste rock dump at the Rum Jungle mine site in the Northern Territory, Australia, started in 1983, and has since produced a unique and long-running data set. Following closure of the uranium mining operations at the site, a soil cover was constructed...
Ziemkiewicz, P. F., Skousen, J. G., Simmons, J. S.
This project evaluated the performance of nine passive treatment methods by studying 137 treatment units in eight eastern states. Performance was normalised according to construction cost, projected service life and kilograms of acid load treated. Results were dimensioned as $/kg of acid load...
Confirmation that acid drainage (AD) was a significant environmental issue for the Australian minerals industry came in 1992 with the first national workshop on the topic. Subsequently the extent of AD was documented in a national survey published in 1997. The recommendations arising out of that...