Sixth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage
Items in this Collection
The derelict Lake George Mine is located at Captains Flat in NSW, a community of approximately 450, which lies some 43 km southeast of Queanbeyan. It straddles the Molonglo River, which flows to Queanbeyan and thence the nation’s capital, Canberra. Catastrophic tailings dam failures in 1939 and...
Smith, C. D., Martens, M. A., McElnea, A. E.
An 18-month project was undertaken to test the effectiveness of controlled daily tidal exchange augmented with hydrated lime treatment of surface waters as an approach for remediating a severe acid sulfate soil disturbance at East Trinity, Cairns, north Queensland. Actual acid sulfate soils were...
The Wisemans Creek derelict mine site is located in native forest approximately 150 km west of Sydney. Mean annual rainfall at Bathurst, 20 km to the north, is 634 mm and reasonably distributed throughout the year, with slightly more rain falling in the summer months. Evaporation is 1350 mm per...
Smyth, D. J. A., Blowes, D. W., Ptacek, C. J., Bain, J. G.
The passive interception and in situ treatment of groundwater using permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) has, within the past decade, become an accepted remedial approach to the control of plumes containing dissolved organic and inorganic contaminants. Since the first applications of the technology...
In earlier studies along a mining region recipient (the river Vormbäcken, northern Sweden), the fraction of certain trace metals recovered in the particulate phase has been found to increase with increasing concentrations of particulate iron. This study was conducted to see if the pattern could...
Sollner, D., Ferron, C., Massimi, R.
There is approximately 240 000 tonnes of arsenic trioxide dust stored in underground chambers at the Giant Mine in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. To minimise the amount of arsenic released to the environment, a number of closure alternatives are being considered. One alternative is...
Lewis, N. M., Wangerud, K. W., Park, B. T., Fundingsland, S. D., Jonas, J. P.
The EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) Mine Waste Technology Program (MWTP) and the EPA Region VIII Superfund office are jointly conducting a field-scale technology demonstration of a two-step in situ treatment of the acidic Anchor Hill Pit lake at the Gilt Edge Mine...
La Motta, J., Kodikara, J., Bouazza, A.
In this study, 23 samples of leached ash (LA) were collected from an ash pond at Loy Yang Power Station and geotechnically characterised. The samples were collected at various depths and locations within the ash pond on two separate occasions in order to account for the full variability. The LA...