BoardEx Reports

BoardEx provides in depth profiles of company directors, senior management and disclosed earners that show the relationship between and amongst these individuals. Details of board structures, practices, diversity, stability and characteristics can also be obtained.

The Reports are snapshots in time, so there may be differences between files across different snapshots.

Data goes back to 1999, when available. Covers Europe, the UK, North America and Rest of World (ROW). The data is in Excel format. Updated 2x per year.

Available datasets:

Board summaries - an overview of the board, including the composition and statistics, committees, ratios and totals.
Senior management, disclosed earners (SMDEs) organizational summaries - a listing of SMDEs by company.
Director and senior management, disclosed earner (SMDE) profiles - include data on age, board role (current & historic) and education.
Company details - includes address, industrial sector, auditor and ticket & index, when applicable.
Company announcements - announcements specific to directors and SMDEs.

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