Health Systems
The Health Systems Area of Excellence (AoE) develops knowledge about health system learning and innovation to guide evidence-based practice and evidence-informed decision- and policy making across health care sectors and acute, continuing, ambulatory and community settings.
Items in this Collection
- 23Estabrooks, C.A.
- 15Cummings, G. G.
- 14Cummings, G.G.
- 13Estabrooks, C. A.
- 11Squires, J.E.
- 10Norton, P.G.
- 15Knowledge translation
- 12Systematic reviews
- 10Long-term care
- 9Implementation
- 8Nurses
- 8Quality improvement
- 139Nursing, Faculty of
- 139Nursing, Faculty of/Health Systems
- 3Nursing, Faculty of/Nursing Education
- 3Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of
- 3Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of/Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE)
- 2Nursing, Faculty of/Health Equity
Understanding implementation processes of clinical pathways and clinical practice guidelines in pediatric contexts: A study protocol
Nettel-Aguirre, A., Klassen, T.P., Grimshaw, J., Johnson, D., Scott, S.
Background: Canada is among the most prosperous nations in the world, yet the health and wellness outcomes of Canadian children are surprisingly poor. There is some evidence to suggest that these poor health outcomes are partly due to clinical practice variation, which can stem from failure to...
Pleson, E., Nykiforuk, C., Lee, K., Nieuwendyk, L., Chaddah, A., Schopflocher, D.
As the world’s population ages, there is an increasing need for community environments to support physical activity and social connections for older adults. This exploratory study sought to better understand older adults’ usage and perceptions of community green spaces in Taipei, Taiwan, through...
Unregulated provider perceptions of audit and feedback reports in long-term care: Cross-sectional survey findings from a quality improvement intervention.
Baylon, M. A., Fraser, K. D., Bostrom, A. M., Sales, A. E., Rourke, H. M.
Audit with feedback is a moderately effective approach for improving professional practice in other health care settings. Although unregulated caregivers give the majority of direct care in long-term care settings, little is known about how they understand and perceive feedback reports because...
Scott, Shannon D., Austin, Wendy J., Olmstead, Deborah L
It is considered the right of children to have their pain managed effectively. Yet, despite extensive research findings, policy guidelines and practice standard recommendations for the optimal management of paediatric pain, clinical practices remain inadequate. Empirical evidence definitively...
Use of routine interventions in vaginal labour and birth: Findings from the Maternity Experiences Survey.
Chalmers, B., Kaczorowski, J., Levitt, C., O'Brien, B., Dzakpasu, S., Young, D., Lee, L., Boscoe, M.
Background: Intervention rates in maternity practices vary considerably across Canadian provinces and territories. The objective of this study was to describe the use of routine interventions and practices in labor and birth as reported by women in the Maternity Experiences Survey of the Canadian...
Dover, D.C ., Schopflocher, D.P.
Public health surveillance is often concerned with the analysis of health outcomes over small areas. Funnel plots have been proposed as a useful tool for assessing and visualizing surveillance data, but their full utility has not been appreciated (for example, in the incorporation and...
Validation of the conceptual research utilization scale: An application of the standards for educational and psychological testing in healthcare
Gierl, M., Estabrooks, C., Newburn-Cook, C.V., Squires, J.E.
Background: There is a lack of acceptable, reliable, and valid survey instruments to measure conceptual research utilization (CRU). In this study, we investigated the psychometric properties of a newly developed scale (the CRU Scale). Methods: We used the Standards for Educational and...
Women's and care providers' perspectives of quality prenatal care: a qualitative descriptive study
Kingston, D., Tough, S., Janssen, P.A., Brooks, S., Sword, W., Young, D., Heaman, M.I., Hutton, E., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Helewa, M.E.
Background: Much attention has been given to the adequacy of prenatal care use in promoting healthy outcomes for women and their infants. Adequacy of use takes into account the timing of initiation of prenatal care and the number of visits. However, there is emerging evidence that the quality of...
Work environments and staff responses to work environments in institutional long-term care.
Bookey-Bassett, S., Tourangeau, A. E., Pachis, J., Widger, K., Cranley, L.
Background: Structures and processes of care such as work environments and care provider responses to work environments have been shown to influence organizational outcomes. To improve health care quality, structures, processes, and outcomes of care should be considered. There is almost no...