Journal Articles (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Items in this Collection
- 160Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
- 160Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 2ERA General Collection
- 2ERA General Collection/Research Materials (ERA General)
- 1Physics, Department of
- 1Physics, Department of/Journal Articles (Physics)
Vermetid buildups, formed primarily of Dendropoma, are found in the coastal areas near Bodden Town and Great Bluff Estates on Grand Cayman. These gastropods are commonly encrusted by foraminifera (Homotrema rubum, Acervulina? sp.), coralline algae, and cyanobacteria. Spaces between the gastropods...
Ma, Y., Flynn, M.R. and B.R. Sutherland
We experimentally investigate the behaviour of a line-source plume falling through a finite two-layer stratified ambient where the depth of the upper ambient layer increases in time. Laboratory observations suggest one of two possible flow regimes depending on the value of 𝜆 , which represents...
Very large boulders on the coast of Grand Cayman - the effects of giant waves on rocky coastlines
Two stretches of rocky coastline on Grand Cayman are characterized by boulders that are up to 5.5 m long, 3.4 m wide, and 2.3 m high (estimated to weigh as much as 40 tonnes). Clusters of boulders, which are irregularly distributed through the area, occur up to 100 m inland from the present-day...
Myers, Paul G., Ribergaard, Mads H.
A number of recent studies have shown enhanced retreat of tidewater glaciers over much of southern and western Greenland. One of the fastest retreats has occurred at Jakobshavn Isbrae, with the rapid retreat linked to the arrival of relatively warm and saline Irminger water along the west coast...
Water Mass Modification and Mixing Rates in a 1/12 degree Simulation of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
Hughes, Kenneth G., Klymak, Jody M., Hu, Xianmin, Myers, Paul G.
Strong spatial differences in diapycnal mixing across the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are diagnosed in a 1/128 basin-scale model. Changes in mass flux between water flowing into or out of several regions are analyzed using a volume-integrated advection–diffusion equation, and focus is given to...
Donnelly, Chris, Myers, Paul G.
Objectively analyzed surface hydrographic fields and NCEP–NCAR reanalysis fluxes are used to estimate water mass transformation and formation rates in the Labrador Sea, focusing on Labrador Sea Water (LSW). The authors estimate a mean long-term transformation of between 2.1 ± 0.2 and 3.9 ± 0.3 Sv...
Severson, Meryn, Collins, Damian
This chapter focuses on wellbeing research in health geography and the ways in which health geographers have made important contributions to understanding the socio-spatial and place-based dimensions of wellbeing. We seek to answer two key questions: What is wellbeing? And why is it important? To...
Wildfire risk and response in Jasper National Park, Alberta: Application of an adaptation readiness framework
Halabut, Rechelle, Birchall, S. Jeff
Environmental change associated with warmer temperatures is creating unprecedented conditions in natural regions and ecosystems. In Jasper National Park, Alberta, climate change, historical fire management practices, and the mountain pine beetle infestation are combining to increase the risk of a...
Wind-forced depth-dependent currents over the eastern Beaufort Sea continental slope: Implications for Pacific water transport
Dmitrenko, Igor A., Kirillov, Sergei A., Myers, Paul G., Forest, Alexandre, Tremblay, Bruno, Lukovich, Jennifer V., Gratton, Yves, Rysgaard, Soren, Barber, David G.
Pacific water contributes significantly to the Arctic Ocean freshwater budget. Recent increases in Arctic freshwater flux, also affected by the Pacific-derived Arctic water, impact the Atlantic overturning circulation with implications for global climate. The interannual variability of the...