Honours Theses (Linguistics)
The Honours Thesis is a piece of original research written by undergraduate students with the guidance of a faculty member over the final two semesters of the student's program.
Items in this Collection
- 1Allan Plesniarski
- 1Assefa, Elizabeth
- 1Benjamin V. Tucker
- 1Bohach, Megan Naomi
- 1Bontogon, Megan A.
- 1Calkins, Kasandra
This study is a replication of a previous study done by Atterer & Ladd (2004) looking at the prosodic contours of English and German bilinguals. Atterer & Ladd (2004) showed that segmental anchoring of prenuclear rising accents occurs in both English and German, but speakers of these languages...
Listener Discrimination Between Age Differences in Two Speakers: A comparison task involving recordings of the voices of Terry Gross and Ira Glass from different years
Often when listeners hear a speaker, they have an impression of the age of the speaker. The present research seeks to determine how well listeners can identify a speaker’s age when provided with two different recordings from one speaker. Previous research has asked participants to place a...
Speech technologies may benefit people by improving the accessibility of information or services, by increasing productivity, or by generally improving human-computer interaction. However, speech technologies are only available for use in a small portion of the world’s languages. The present...
Modes of Metaphor and Me: The Role Shyness Plays in the Interpretation of Visual and Verbal Metaphors
This thesis examines whether or not one's level of shyness affects one's interpretation of visual and verbal metaphors. Current research demonstrates that shyness correlates positively with more negative interpretations of counterfactual irony and that personality traits are related to certain...
Networking through regional accents: The influence of individual differences in social network properties on regional accent processing
This thesis investigates the influence of social network size and social network “racial” diversity on regional accent processing. 122 participants listened to recorded English speech produced by 24 native English speakers. These 24 native speakers consisted of six different English speech...
We designed an exploratory pilot study to examine the nature of onomatopoeia use in Canadian 8mother’s speech to infants (12-18 months old) on the brink of a period of rapid productive vocabulary development with prevalent individual variation in vocabulary size (Fenson et al, 1994). The study...
Reading (between) the lines: Individual differences in emotion processing of native- and foreign-accented speech
Previous literature on foreign-accented speech processing indicates the presence of an accent can influence perception and comprehension across multiple levels of language processing, but emotion inferencing appears to remain as one unexplored area in this context. To our knowledge, this research...
The Effects of Changes in Vocal Loudness on Measures of Speech Physiology in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Typically Developing Children
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can involve the speech motor control in a large percentage of those having the disorder. This study aims to describe respiratory and laryngeal subsystems involved in speech motor control in children with CP by investigating one of the...
Learners of English may be influenced by the sounds of their mother tongue when speaking English. This study analyzes the acoustic features of English fricatives, such as the s sound in 'hiss', produced by native Mandarin speakers and native English speakers. This study also investigated how...
Human production and perception of language, although studied for decades, is largely misunderstood. Furthermore, not all sounds in human language have been studied extensively. Typologically rare sounds arguably lack reliable documentation and research. One such sound is voiceless nasals. Debate...