2018 Integrative Health Institute Conference: Contemporary Insights for Optimizing Health
The Integrative Health Institute conference promotes knowledge translation and networking for health care providers, academics, learners, health administrators, and other key stakeholders. This year's conference theme is Traditional Medicine. We are pleased to be co-hosting this year's conference with the Alberta Health Services (AHS) Population, Public & Indigenous Health Strategic Clinical Network.
Items in this Collection
- 1Barnabe, Cheryl
- 1Crowshoe, Lindsay
- 1Drost, Jazmine
- 1Haddad, Pierre S.
- 1Indigenous Health - Canada
- 1Letendre Angeline
This poster highlights the Brief Talks given at the 2018 IHI Conference at the University of Alberta in Edmonton including Dr. Cheryl Barnabe "What is Missing? Cultural Apsects of Health and Wellness in Arthritis Management", Dr. Richard Oster "Building a Collaborative, Community-Based Research...
Keynote Speakers: IHI Conference: Contemporary Insights for Optimizing Health October 18, 2018
Poster announcing the two keynote speakers for the 2018 IHI Conference: Dr. Lindsay Crowshoe, MD "Situating Traditions and Traditional Medicine within a Broader Indigenous Healthcare Approach" and Dr. Pierre S. Haddad, PhD. "Integrative Health in a Canadian Indigenous Context: Combining Modern...