History and Roles of the Edmonton Social Planning Council
Items in this Collection
- 59Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 9Council of Community Services of Edmonton and District
- 9Edmonton Council of Community Services
- 9Edmonton Council of Social Agencies
- 6Edmonton Welfare Council
- 1Baetz, Reuben C.
- 103Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 101Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 15Community welfare councils
- 5Community development, Urban
- 3Social planning
- 2By-laws
A legacy of committment to community: the Edmonton Social Planning Council after fifty: 1990-2010: An addendum to Wealth of Voices written on the occasion of the Edmonton Social Planning Council’s 70 th Anniversary
Edmonton Social Planning Council
A Legacy of Commitment to Community serves as an addendum to Wealth of Voices, the book written by Marsha Mildon and published in 1990 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC). This historical overview is based on research from the ESPC archives, a...
A study of collaborative effort between two formal organizations: an outline history of the collaborative effort between the Edmonton Welfare Council and the Urban Renewal Division of the City of Edmonton Planning Department
The following study attempts to highlight the collaborative efforts of two formal organizations to plan a co-operative program of study into the social-human problems of an evolving skid row area.
Edmonton Council of Community Services
Page one refers to the \"eleventh annual meeting covering the year 1950-1951; however the Treasurer's report for is for 1950 only.