Department of Theology-MTS (St. Stephen's College)
The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a gateway program in the theological disciplines, broadly understood, which may be taken either as a stand-alone degree, or to lay the foundation for further, advanced theological study.
Items in this Collection
- 1Andrew Barrett Craig
- 1Barbara Lynn Ganske
- 1Christine Elizabeth Welch
- 1Eleanore Margaret Koop (MTS, Spirituality Specialization)
- 1Elizabeth Helena Short
- 1Gelderman, Gabrielle
- 2Mystical consciousness
- 2Spirituality
- 2embodiment
- 1Alberta's geography
- 1Anabaptist/Mennonite theology
- 1Ancestral wounds
A Spiritual Director’s Embodiment of Dynamic Trinitarian Flow in the Art of Spiritual Accompaniment
This autoethnographic study explores my embodied experience of Trinity which occurred during a day of spiritual accompaniment (direction) sessions. It addresses the lack of detailed accounts in the literature of personal encounters with Trinity during spiritual accompaniment (direction). ...
This phenomenological research study looks at the experience of job loss and considers it through a theological lens as interpreted by the researcher. Specifically it examines the job loss experience of three individuals in British Columbia in the first decade of the 2000s. I interviewed two men...
When a major life change occurs, we can find ourselves in uncharted territory or transitions. Old assumptions no longer hold true, but our new reality has yet to be discovered. This study looks at difficult transitions for women in mid-life. This, potentially, is a time in a woman’s life where...
This integrative study is based on heuristic self-inquiry. Through storytelling I explore the significance of the journey to know God as one of spiritual awakening and reflect on what is understood about God at various stages in the journey. Chapter One sets the stage for the integrative study. I...
Evolving Symbols - Evolving Ministry: An Exploration of Diaconal Symbols in The United Church of Canada
This thesis is an exploration of how uniforms, pins and other symbols of diaconal ministry evolved, and how their evolution continues to impact the understanding of diaconal ministry in The United Church of Canada. Theological lenses of incarnational creativity, identity, and faithful response,...
This thesis is an exploration of unia mystica, the unity of divine and human will, as the final stage in an arduous process of growth in human consciousness, the central purpose of which is to directly apprehend God. Five women mystics, Julian of Norwich, Saint Catherine of Genoa, Saint Teresa of...
In this Work of Art thesis, I have created a series of eleven assemblages art pieces as a way of making visible my lived experience of invisibility and self-alienation. For each assemblage piece, I have provided a written reflection in order to place the visual image of the art piece within a...
Patricia Catherine Worthingham
This integrative study provides an historical review of humankind’s relationship with desire as regarded by philosophers and theologians of western civilization. It examines desire as reflected in the characteristics of our culture and the societies we have built since early history; then...
Healing Touch: A Path to Transformation is a thesis that explores the transformative nature of Healing Touch, an energy based healing treatment used by the Healing Pathway, a program offered by Naramata Centre, a retreat and educational centre affiliated with the United Church of Canada. The...