Journal Articles (Philosophy)
Items in this Collection
- 21Brigandt, Ingo
- 12Koslicki, Kathrin
- 10Linsky, Bernard
- 10Morin, Marie-Eve
- 10Pelletier, Francis J.
- 8Wilson, Robert A.
A mêlée without Sacrifice: Nancy's Ontology of Offering against Derrida's Politics of Sacrifice
In this paper I want to explore a certain community of writing, namely the one between Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy. The on-going dialogue between the two on the subject of community has left in their writings only traces (with the exception of the first essay in Derrida’s Voyous): implicit...
A Puzzle About Material Constitution and How to Solve It: Enriching Constitution Views in Metaphysics
Two Intuitions and a Puzzle “Constitution” may be a philosophical term of art, but the idea of one thing’s being materially constituted by another thing (or other things) is one that ordinary folk are perfectly familiar with. When we talk explicitly of something’s being made up of, being made of,...
Introduction: In this paper, I argue that a surprisingly widespread strategy in metaphysics is suspect for various reasons and hence ought to be abandoned. In very broad strokes, situations which give rise to ‘The Suspect Strategy’ (TSS) contain as one of their ingredients a general metaphysical...
Pelletier, Francis J., Sutcliffe, Geoff
Introduction: In 1986 Pelletier published an annotated list of logic problems, intended as an aid for students, developers, and researchers to test their automated theorem proving (ATP) systems. The 75 problems in the list are subdivided into propositional logic (Problems 1-17), monadic-predicate...
Pelletier, Francis J., Elio, Renée
This study examines the problem of belief revision, defined as deciding which of several initially accepted sentences to disbelieve, when new information presents a logical inconsistency with the initial set. In the first three experiments, the initial sentence set included a conditional...
Beyond reduction and pluralism: toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology
The paper works towards an account of explanatory integration in biology, using as a case study explanations of the evolutionary origin of novelties—a problem requiring the integration of several biological fields and approaches. In contrast to the idea that fields studying lower level phenomena...
Despite John Buridan's reputation as the foremost Parisian philosopher of the fourteenth century and the predominant role played by his teachings in European universities until well into the sixteenth century,' our understanding of his thought in a number of areas remains sketchy. Epistemology is...
Cohabitating in the Globalised World: Peter Sloterdijk's Global Foams and Bruno Latour's Cosmopolitics
This paper seeks to present a comprehensive and systematic picture of Peter Sloterdijk's ambitious and provocative theory of globalisation. In the Sphären (Spheres) trilogy, Sloterdijk provides both a spatialised ontology of human existence and a historical thesis concerning the radical shifts in...
Pelletier, Francis J., Jin, Yi, Delgrande, James
In this paper we explore a class of belief update operators, in which the definition of the operator is compositional with respect to the sentence to be added. The goal is to provide an update operator that is intuitive, in that its definition is based on a recursive decomposition of the update...