Skip to Search Results- 141Tracking Change
- 43Tracking Change/Conference Presentations/Posters
- 25Tracking Change/Teaching Resources/Toolkits
- 24Tracking Change/Administrative Reports
- 21Tracking Change/Newsletters/Media
- 20Tracking Change/Research Toolkits/Case Studies
- 56Parlee, Brenda
- 24Karsgaard, Carrie; Mackay, Mackenzie; Catholique, Alexandria
- 12Tracking Change
- 6D'Souza, Amabel
- 4Howlett, Tracy; Parlee, Brenda
- 4Parlee, Brenda; Maloney, Elaine
- 13Local and Traditional Knowledge
- 9Tracking Change
- 9Watershed Governance
- 8Mackenzie River Basin, Canada
- 4LTK
- 3Amazon Basin, Brazil
Travailler dans « le bon sens » Dix-huitième session de l’Instance permanente des Nations Unies sur les questions autochtones
Howlett, Tracy; Parlee, Brenda/translated by UNPF11 translators
Tracking Change est une initiative financée par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, appelée à s’étendre sur six ans (2016-2021). Dirigée par un Comité de pilotage des savoirs traditionnels (composé d’anciens, de chefs et autres leaders), elle comprend actuellement un réseau...
Understanding Socio-Ecological Changes in Inuvialuit Fishing Livelihoods and Implications for Food Security: The Role of Local and Traditional Knowledge
The Mackenzie Delta is an ecologically-rich freshwater environment in Canada’s Northwest Territories. It is vulnerable to multiple stressors such as climate change, resource development activities (oil and natural gas) and upstream-downstream linkages related to extraction activities in the...
On May 27, 2010, a Joint Review Panel was formed to begin an assessment of the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project which would involve the construction of pipelines from Bruderheim, Alberta to Kitimat, British Columbia and would pass through a variety of First Nations and Metis lands and numerous...
Partners and collaborators involved in Tracking Change… identified the importance of engaging youth in all aspects of our research project including the definition of research priorities and key issues for study. Some of the youth/young adults involved in the project will be graduate students...
Maloney, Elaine;, Parlee, Brenda
Partners and collaborators involved in Tracking Change… identified the importance of engaging youth in all aspects of our research project including the definition of research priorities and key issues for study. Some of the youth/young adults involved in the project will be graduate students...
Youth Knowledge Fair 2016 - SAMPLE - Invitation, Logistics, Guidelines for Youth Poster Presentation
Partners and collaborators involved in Tracking Change… identified the importance of engaging youth in all aspects of our research project including the definition of research priorities and key issues for study. Some of the youth/young adults involved in the project will be graduate students...
Partners and collaborators involved in Tracking Change… identified the importance of engaging youth in all aspects of our research project including the definition of research priorities and key issues for study. Some of the youth/young adults involved in the project will be graduate students...
Summary of Student Evaluations- Youth Knowledge Fair 2016 Partners and collaborators involved in Tracking Change… identified the importance of engaging youth in all aspects of our research project including the definition of research priorities and key issues for study. Some of the youth/young...
Partners and collaborators involved in Tracking Change… identified the importance of engaging youth in all aspects of our research project including the definition of research priorities and key issues for study. Some of the youth/young adults involved in the project will be graduate students...
Parlee, Brenda; Maloney, Elaine
This event brought together youth from the various jurisdictions of the Mackenzie River Basin. The objectives of the fair was to create an oportunity for students from junior high and high school to connect with each other and learn about their own histories, ecosystems, and communities....