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  • 2015-10-14

    van Deusen, Natalie

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: Project aims to catalogue, edit and analyze Early Modern Icelandic religious poetry whose subjects are virgin martyr saints. The project seeks to demonstrate the critical role of the poems within Early Modern Icelandic religious and social thought as prescriptive models for...

  • 2012-10-12

    Taylor, Chloe

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2013: This research program will explore Michel Foucault's influential work on sexuality and delinquency. The three-fold objectives of this research program are: first, to take up Foucault’s genealogical studies of delinquency and sexuality in order to pursue a more sustained and...

  • 2016-10-11

    Heyes, Cressida

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: This project aims to change the way we think about sleep as well as the way we practice it. It communicates to diverse audiences that sleep is not a mysterious non-experience (essential but a wasteful interruption of life) but rather a central part of existence that tells...

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