Skip to Search Results- 21Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 21Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of/Theses and Dissertations
- 8Alberta Centre for Reclamation and Restoration Ecology (ACRRE)
- 8Alberta Centre for Reclamation and Restoration Ecology (ACRRE)/TransCanada Historical Research Reports
- 6WISEST Summer Research Program
- 6WISEST Summer Research Program/WISEST Research Posters
- 21Thesis
- 10Report
- 5Article (Published)
- 5Conference/Workshop Poster
- 2Conference/Workshop Presentation
- 1Dataset
DownloadFall 2015
Phopshopgypsum is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production resulting from the production of phosphoric acid from phosphate rock (Rutherford et al. 1994a). Most reclamation plans for phosphogypsum stacks include a cover system that is installed over the stack; thus research in the area of...
Quality Control Considerations for Overburden Earth-fill Tailings Dam Construction in the Oil Sands
DownloadFall 2018
Quality control and construction methods for an oil sands overburden tailings dam in the Albertan Oil Sands can differ from these conventional construction methods due to two governing factors: A high overburden to ore ratio with a complex geology requiring significant waste management effort and...
Fall 2009
An agricultural land was adversely affected by salt released by the oil and gas industry. Remediation was needed to recover the land to agricultural productivity. Field-scale and laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to identify a practical and reliable remediation technique that could be...
Salt Affected Soils And Their Relationships With Plant Communities On Reclamation Well Sites
DownloadFall 2020
Salt affected soils are common around the world from natural causes or anthropogenic activities. Over 1030 million hectares of land worldwide are affected by salt or at risk of being affected. In Alberta, saline and sodic soils may occur with oil and gas production, increasing the risk of...
Seeing the forest for the soil: topographic controls on soil carbon dynamics in the boreal mixedwood forest
DownloadFall 2018
Boreal forest soils store an estimated 272 Pg of carbon. Due to a high degree of spatial heterogeneity, there is a wide range in carbon stores in this ecosystem. Changes in topography and forest structure are important to carbon distribution, influencing the soil microclimate and the chemical...
Simulated Livestock Soil Compaction, Plant Defoliation and Litter Removal Effects on Extracellular Enzyme Activity and Vegetation Across a Moisture Gradient in Southern Alberta, Canada
DownloadSpring 2020
Barszczewski, Sara Janina Bodnar
Preservation of grasslands is vital for the continuation of the numerous ecosystem goods and services (EG&S) provided by these ecosystems, including forage for livestock, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration and habitat for flora and fauna. All EG&S in grasslands are supported by microbial...
Soil and porewater chemistry from peatlands of the Interior Plains, northwestern Canada
Thompson, L. M., Olefeldt, D., Mangal, V., Knorr, K.H.
The xlsx files contain one "ReadMe" tab and one "Data" tab regarding the chemistry of peatland soils or porewater. The "ReadMe" tab details the variable name, units, description, citation (optional), laboratory, and vocabulary terms. The "Data" tab contains data collected from twelve wetlands...
Soil Mesostigmata (Arachnida: Parasitiformes) in boreal forests of Alberta: diversity and utility as indicators of disturbance
DownloadSpring 2018
Soils provide numerous ecosystem services, including provision of nutrients for plants, sequestration of greenhouse gases, and serving as habitat for soil animals. Soil animal diversity is immense, and many undescribed taxa still remain. One prominent group that inhabits soils is mites...