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Subject / Keyword
- 58Canada, Northwest Territories, Yellowknife
- 33Photographs
- 122015/07/08
- 11Public Art - Polar Regions
- 11Urban Art in Yellowknife
- 102015/07/10
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 57Campbell, Sandy
- 9Beaudreau, Diane, biologist, artist
- 1Knighton, Frank (Carver)
- 1Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
- 1Robertson, Dean E. (painter)
- 1Sandy Campbell
Item type
This Boeing 737-200 Combi is flown by Canadian North Airlines, owned by Nor Terra Inc., which is, in turn owned by the 100% aboriginal Inuvialuit Development Corporation. Canadian North flies to Northwest Territories and Nunavut destinations from Edmonton and Ottawa. The Boeing 737- 200 Combi...
This garden project at Mildred Hall School in Yellowknife is a collaboration between students and elders. Raised beds are a common garden format in Yellowknife because of the rocky nature of the landscape and the general lack of good topsoil. These beds contain common garden plants such as...
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