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  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating a lymphocyte containing a single large granule in the cytoplasm seen in a patient with Chediak-Higashi syndrome (100X oil immersion).

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating a lymphocyte containing a single large fused granule in the cytoplasm seen in a patient with Chediak-Higashi syndrome (100X oil immersion).

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating neutrophils with abnormally large fused granules seen in a patient with Chediak-Higashi syndrome (50X oil immersion). Two lymphocytes are present with no obvious abnormalities.

  • 2018-06-11

    Kwon, Gloria, To, Michelle

    An image of a peripheral blood smear demonstrating a neutrophil with abnormally large fused granules (top) and a lymphocyte containing a single large granule in the cytoplasm (bottom) seen in a patient with Chediak-Higashi syndrome (50X oil immersion).

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