Skip to Search Results- 4SAGD
- 4Sand Control
- 2Sand Retention Testing
- 1An Investigation into Present Sand Control Testing Practices for SAGD Wells
- 1Asphaltene
- 1Borehole breakout
Workflow for Sand Control Testing of Injection Wells in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD)
DownloadSpring 2020
This research aims at tackling a specific production engineering problem in sand retention testing (SRT). One common practice of operational oil companies is to prevent sanding by deploying standalone screens (SAS). SAS consists of slotted liners (SL), wire wrap screens (WWS), and punched screens...
Fall 2016
The Discrete Element Method (DEM) has been developed and used in modelling dry granular materials with or without cohesive bonding between particles. The incorporation of fluid flow in the DEM analysis is difficult since the DEM is a discrete approach to mechanistic analysis while fluid is a...
Fall 2017
This research focuses on the study of mechanisms of proppant transport in reservoirs during frac-packing operation. As an attempt to improve current numerical modeling of proppant transport, a multi-module, numerical proppant, reservoir and Geomechanics simulator was developed, linked and...
Near-Wellbore Salinity Effect on Sand Control Plugging by Fines Migration in Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Producer Wells
DownloadFall 2023
Sand control screens are necessary for steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) wells drilled into oil sands to prevent sand production. However, the accumulation of mobilized fine particles near the wellbore can result in screen plugging, adversely affecting the well's flow performance. This...
Spring 2013
Borehole breakouts are zones of enlargements of the wellbore cross section that form as a result of rock failure at the wellbore wall during drilling. The analysis of borehole breakout is essential in addressing wellbore stability, well completion, and sand production problems. This research...
Fall 2021
This thesis introduces a model emulsion that replicates the physical features of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) reservoir emulsion. Moreover, a framework was presented which enables adjusting the emulsion properties such as dynamic viscosity, size of the droplets, kinetic stability, and...
Experimental and Numerical Study into the Performance Assessment of Stand-alone Screens in Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Operations
DownloadFall 2021
Sand production is a significant issue for weakly consolidated and unconsolidated formations. Sanding can erode the wellbore and surface facilities and plug the wellbore. In SAGD operations, wellbores are typically completed by stand-alone screens such as slotted liners (SL), wire-wrapped screens...
Spring 2018
Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) is a thermal recovery technology currently employed to extract heavy oil and high viscosity bitumen from Alberta oil sands. Due to the unconsolidated nature of oil sands, SAGD wells are prone to producing sand, hence, requiring sand control devices to...
Spring 2019
Heavy oils and extra heavy oils in Alberta that are currently extracted through thermal recovery primarily employ Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD). Sand control devices (SCDs) such as Slotted Liners (SLs) and Wire Wrap Screens (WWSs) have been used extensively in wells producing from...