Skip to Search Results- 150Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of
- 150Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of/Research Publications (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Biological Sciences)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)/Journal Articles (TRIA-Net)
- 55Mark A. Lewis
- 48Lewis, Mark A.
- 31Kouritzin, Michael
- 7Jonathan R. Potts
- 6Krkošek, Martin
- 6Stephanie J. Peacock
The “edge effect” phenomenon: deriving population abundance patterns from individual animal movement decisions
Jonathan R. Potts, Thomas Hillen, Mark A. Lewis
Edge effects have been observed in a vast spectrum of animal populations. They occur where two conjoining habitats interact to create ecological phenomena that are not present in either habitat separately. On the individuallevel, an edge effect is a change in behavioral tendency on or near the...
Schlägel, Ulrike E., Merrill, Evelyn H., Lewis, Mark A.
Identifying behavioral mechanisms that underlie observed movement patterns is difficult when animals employ sophisticated cognitive‐based strategies. Such strategies may arise when timing of return visits is important, for instance to allow for resource renewal or territorial patrolling. We...
Territoriality and home-range dynamics in meerkats, Suricata suricatta: a mechanistic modelling approach
Andrew W. Bateman, Mark A. Lewis, Gabriella Gall, Marta B. Manser, Tim H. Clutton-Brock
Multiple approaches exist to model patterns of space use across species, among them resource selection analysis, statistical home-range modelling and mechanistic movement modelling. Mechanistic home-range models combine the benefits of these approaches, describing emergent territorial patterns...
Jonathan R. Potts, Mark A. Lewis
Territoriality is a phenomenon exhibited throughout nature. On the individual level, it is the processes by which organisms exclude others of the same species from certain parts of space. On the population level, it is the segregation of space into separate areas, each used by subsections of the...
Temperature-dependent Allee effects in a stage-structured model for Bythotrephes establishment
Young, J. D., Yan, N. D., Lewis, Mark A., Wittmann, M. J.
Whether the invasive freshwater cladoceran Bythotrephes longimanus can establish after introduction into a water body depends on several biotic and abiotic factors. Among these, water temperature is important because both development rates and mode of reproduction (parthenogenetic or sexual) in...
Temperature- and Turbidity-Dependent Competitive Interactions Between Invasive Freshwater Mussels
Qihua Huang, Hao Wang, Anthony Ricciardi, Mark A. Lewis
We develop a staged-structured population model that describes the competitive 7 dynamics of two functionally similar, congeneric invasive species: zebra mussels and quagga 8 mussels. The model assumes that the population survival rates are functions of temperature 9 and turbidity, and that the...
Juliana M. Berbert, Mark A. Lewis
Animal search patterns are governed by the various movement strategies undertaken when animals encounter stimuli. The stimuli caused by resource growth and depletion can modify search patterns due to the need to finding resources. In this paper, we investigate the influence of resource depletion...
Peacock, Stephanie J., Krkošek, Martin, Lewis, Mark A., Lele, Subhash
The statistical tools available to ecologists are becoming increasingly sophisticated, allowing more complex, mechanistic models to be fit to ecological data. Such models have the potential to provide new insights into the processes underlying ecological patterns, but the inferences made are...
Heunis, A. J., Kouritzin, Michael
In this note we consider the almost sure convergence (as ϵ→0) of solution Xϵ(·), defined over the interval 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1, of the random ordinary differential equation View the MathML source Here {F(x, t, ω), t ≥ 0} is a strong mixing process for each x and (x, t) → F(x, t, ω) is subject to regularity...
Suppose {εk, −∞ < k < ∞} is an independent, not necessarily identically distributed sequence of random variables, and {cj}∞j=0, {dj}∞j=0 are sequences of real numbers such that Σjc2j < ∞, Σjd2j < ∞. Then, under appropriate moment conditions on {εk, −∞ < k < ∞}, View the MathML source, View the...