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Fall 2013
Medical image registration and segmentation are challenging because, medical images are generally corrupted by noise, image artifacts and the various anatomical regions of interest in medical images often do not have distinct sharp boundaries. However, these anatomical regions frequently...
A typological and technological analysis of stone artefacts from the Magubike archaeological site, Iringa Region, southern Tanzania
DownloadFall 2010
Previous archaeological research in southern Tanzania has focused on Plio-Pleistocene sites documenting early hominid evolution, or alternatively, the late Holocene Later Stone Age and Iron Age sites documenting the transition from foraging to food production. However, recent surveys and test...
Fall 2017
The twelfth-century Lais of Marie de France, twelve short narrative romances in French verse, are a delightfully heterogenous mixture of old Celtic, classical, Anglo-Norman and Christian themes and motifs. At times these varied streams of influence stand together in unreconciled incongruity....
Fall 2011
Models of interacting quantum spins have contributed significantly to our understanding of magnetism. The Heisenberg model on square lattice, which exhibits semiclassical N´eel order, is one of the canonical models. However, with frustration introduced by competing interactions, the system...