Skip to Search Results- 42Brigandt, Ingo
- 25Pelletier, Francis J.
- 17Morin, Marie-Eve
- 16Wilson, Robert A.
- 14Koslicki, Kathrin
- 12Welchman, Jennifer
A mêlée without Sacrifice: Nancy's Ontology of Offering against Derrida's Politics of Sacrifice
In this paper I want to explore a certain community of writing, namely the one between Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy. The on-going dialogue between the two on the subject of community has left in their writings only traces (with the exception of the first essay in Derrida’s Voyous): implicit...
[Review of the book Words Without Objects: Semantics, Ontology, and Logic for Non-Singularity, by Haycock]
Introduction: Many languages mark a distinction which is commonly referred to as the “mass/count- distinction”; e.g., the distinction between the two occurrences of ‘hair’ in ‘There is hairin my soup’ and ‘There is a hair in my soup’. Often, the mass/count-distinction is drawn primarily with...
Introduction: The title of Hunter Brown's book, while not wholly inaccurate, barely hints at the book's real object: defense of William James' famous paper, \"The Will to Believe.\" For clarity's sake, a better title might have been \"The Will to Believe\" as an Introduction to James on Radical...
Introduction: In the preface of this book, Copi explains that he has \"tried to give an account of the Theory of Logical Types which shall not be so technical as to repel the non-specialist nor so informal as to disappoint the serious student who wants to see exactly what it is and how it works\"...
Introduction: ‘Fuzzy logic’ means different things to different people. For some it is a philosophy of life— “a way to break the stranglehold that the black-and-white thinking of the Western tradition has upon us.” For others it is a more accurate way of describing our ordinary language (and...
[Review of the book The Architecture of the Mind: Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought, by Parruthers]
Introduction: Recent cognitive developmental psychology lend support to the idea that the mind consists of distinct domain-specific modules (e.g., a folk physics, a folk biology, and a folk psychological mind-reading module), rather than a single all-purpose reasoning system. In evolutionary...
Introduction: This is a book that challenges the current orthodoxy, both in the philosophy of mind and in the cognitive sciences, that thinking (construed broadly to include perceiving, imagining, remembering, etc.) is a mental process in the head. Such a view has been largely taken for granted...