Skip to Search Results- 42Brigandt, Ingo
- 25Pelletier, Francis J.
- 17Morin, Marie-Eve
- 16Wilson, Robert A.
- 14Koslicki, Kathrin
- 12Welchman, Jennifer
Review: From Embryology to Evo-Devo: A History of Developmental Evolution by Manfred Daubichler; Jane Maienschein
Introduction: The biological process of development has always served as a focal point for empirical research and conceptual reflection on organisms and life in general. Many have drawn connections between development (ontogeny) and the history of life (phylogeny). The most recent manifestation...
It seems natural, even obvious, to distinguish between representations and what they are representations of. A picture of a dog is no more a dog than the word \"dog\" is a furry, tail-wagging mammal. Nor are properties belonging to the object of a representation necessarily properties of the...
We give an answer to the question as to whether quantifier elimination is possible in some infinite algebraic extensions of QpQp ('infinite p-adic fields') using a natural language extension. The present paper deals with those infinite p-adic fields which admit only tamely ramified algebraic...
Putting Community under Erasure: The Dialogue between Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy on the Plurality of Singularities
In a note at the end of the essay 'The inoperative community,' Jean-Luc Nancy describes the writing of our being-in-common, or of our being-with, as a community of writing: 'inserted, alternated, shared, divided texts, as all texts are, offering that which does not belong to anyone, but which...
Introduction: Philosophical questions about biology have been addressed by philosophers and scientists for centuries. Yet as a genuine discipline within philosophy, philosophy of biology started to emerge in the 1970s (Byron, 2007). One motivation for this was the fact that much of traditional...
Introduction: Traditionally, studies in the philosophy of biology have been strongly centered on evolutionary biology and systematics. To be sure, during the last four decades the field of molecular biology has been subject to substantial philosophical discussion as well. Still, discussions of...
It is an extremely popular view among logicians and some linguists (McCawley, Hurford) that there are two distinct or's in English - an \"inclusive\" and an \"exclusive\". It seems equally popular among lexicographers, experts on proper usage, and some linguists (R. Lakoff) that there is only...
This paper concerns a fundamental dispute in ontology between the “Foundational Ontologist”, who believes that there is only one correct way of characterizing what there is, and the ontological “Skeptic”, who believes that there are viable alternative characterizations of what there is. I examine...