Skip to Search Results- 18Brigandt, Ingo
- 8Pelletier, Francis J.
- 6Welchman, Jennifer
- 6Wilson, Robert A.
- 4Morin, Marie-Eve
- 4Schmitter, Amy M.
[Review of the book Principles of Instrumental Logic: John Dewey's Lecture in Ethics and Political Ethics, 1895-1896, by ed. D.F. Koch]
Introduction: In this latest collection of John Dewey's lectures, Koch continues his valuable work of making Dewey's early writings more widely available to students and scholars interested in tracing Dewey's progress from his early idealist philosophy through to the pragmatic instrumentalism for...
Introduction: This is a book of articles about a new theoretical underpinning for computational linguistics. Despite this narrow and technical aim, it contains much that is of interest to philosophers of mind, epistemologists, and philosophers of language, regardless of whether they also have an...
Introduction: Many universities teach artificial intelligence (AI) by having one undergraduate course that introduces students to a very wide variety of topics, usually including search and search heuristics, representational systems (including formal logic), problem solving, vision, expert...
Introduction: Of the founding fathers of American Pragmatism, Mead remains the least known or appreciated. For this state of affairs, Mead himself is to blame. Mead never composed, let alone published a systematic statement of his theories of mind, language, knowledge, and nature. Thus his views...
Introduction: This is an excellent monograph concerning several central features of Aristotle's physical theory and their various interpretations in the Middle Ages. The first half of this study treats of the definition of nature in book two of the Physics, the problem of the natural motion of...
Pelletier, Francis J., Schubert, Lenhart
Introduction: This very short book is apparently intended as a supplementary text in a graduate AI course. The author describes it as a \"text and reference work on the applications of non-standard logics to artificial intelligence (AI).\" It gives short and concise (too short and too concise, in...
Introduction: J. E. Tiles's interesting study of John Dewey's thought takes issue with recent accounts of Dewey's role in twentieth-century philosophy. The nominal subject of his opening remarks is Richard Rorty, but his criticisms are directed against any interpretation of Dewey's work as an...
[Review of the book Everything Linguists Have Always Wanted to Know About Logic, by JcCawley]
Introduction: James McCawley is a noted linguist whose concern with semantic matters in dealing with linguistic issues is well-known amongst philosophers of language. McCawley's goal here was to write a textbook that surveyed all those areas of logic he thinks are potentially of use in analyzing...
Introduction: In the preface of this book, Copi explains that he has \"tried to give an account of the Theory of Logical Types which shall not be so technical as to repel the non-specialist nor so informal as to disappoint the serious student who wants to see exactly what it is and how it works\"...