Skip to Search Results- 148GAPSSHRC
- 88Various
- 82CIHR
- 59University of Alberta Symphonic Wind Ensemble
- 53University of Alberta Concert Choir
- 51University of Alberta Concert Band
A conceptual framework for the prevention and detection of occupational fraud in small businesses
This research paper develops a conceptual framework for internal control, suitable for small business owners, to guide the effective selection and implementation of internal controls that help prevent and detect occupational fraud. Although the de facto internal control framework, the Committee...
A computational framework for biomaterials containing three-dimensional random fiber networks
Conference Abstract Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2022
A comprehensive study of fracture behavior of Armox 500T steel through stress state dependent damage model under high velocity ballistic impact
Mao, Luyue, Komrakova, Alexandra, Hogan, James David
Conference abstract. Part of the Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2022.
A comprehensive review of the application of solar assisted ground source heat pump (SAGSHP) systems in Canada
Akbarpoor, Ali Mirzazade, Zhong, Lexuan
Conference abstract. Part of the Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2022.
A comprehensive framework for a risk and role based enterprise security awareness, training and education program for ISO/IEC 27002 compliance
Organizations are faced with a variety of ever changing information security risks. This study examines the state of information security, user groups and user roles responsible for and ISO/IEC domains required for risk mitigation in a large public organization in Canada. The objective is to...
This study compares the protection of Electrical Infrastructure (EI) in Cyber Security Strategies (CSS) of the United States (U.S) and Australia. Employing three key indicators as interpretive frameworks - (I) Standards and guidelines, (II) policies and (III) security controls, this study takes...