Skip to Search Results- 5365Hill Times Publishing
- 5191Toronto Stock Exchange
- 483Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library
- 430Dolphin, Ric
- 428Dolphin Media Inc.
- 228TSX Venture Exchange
- 4599Stock exchanges--Canada--Tables--Periodicals
- 4468Toronto Stock Exchange--Periodicals
- 3147Canada--Parliament--Periodicals
- 1557Canada-- Parliament-- Periodicals
- 768Diplomatic and consular service--Canada--Newspapers
- 767Diplomats--Ontario--Ottawa--Newspapers
- 12239University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources
- 4962University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Daily Record (Toronto Stock Exchange)
- 2758University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Parliament Now
- 1509University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/The Hill Times
- 652Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 593University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Embassy (Ottawa, Ont.)
FEPARCS5 : a finite element program for the analysis of axisymmetric reinforced concrete structures : user's manual
Elwi, Alaa-Eldin A., Murray, D. W.(David William),1930-
Structural engineering report SER 93 | SER-ID SER93
Studies of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in the Birch Mountains of northeastern Alberta were conducted from January 1976 through June 1978. Twenty-nine caribou were radio collared and repeatedly located from fixed wing aircraft. Eight capture-related deaths were associated with...
Longworth, J., Pacholok, R. M., Warwaruk, J.
Structural engineering report SER 92 | SER-ID SER92
Aquatic biophysical inventory of major tributaries in the AOSERP study area. Volume II: Atlas
This report contains maps showing fish collection locations, photos and details of the physical characteristics of nine streams within five watersheds (Firebag, Muskeg, Steepbank, MacKay, and Ells) in the AOSERP study area. The Atlas accompanies the Volume 1 report (Sekerak, A.D. and G.L....
Montgomery, S. W., Humphreys, R. D., Parkinson, A.
This report deals with the impact on the construction workers living in camp and their families and the impact of the camp, camp organization, and camp occupants on the surrounding area. After outlining the methodology and terms of reference, the regional contexts, historical background, and...
This study assessed the level of secondary production in the Muskeg River and tested the validity of hypotheses generated by Crowther and Griffing (1979) regarding the trophic structure and function of the Muskeg River as a \"typical\" tributary of the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research...
Murray, D. W.(David William),1930-, MacGregor, James G.(James Grierson),1934-, Simmonds, S. H.
Structural engineering report SER 88 | SER-ID SER88
History of the Athabasca oil sands region, 1890 to 1960's Vol I: Socio-Economic developments
There is no doubt that the Athabasca Oil Sands region has been an eldorado for resource development. The major forces shaping its development, i.e., private enterprise, church missions and government enterprise, have come from outside the region. The economy of the fur trade predominated from...