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Item type
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 5406Hill Times Publishing
- 5300Toronto Stock Exchange
- 482Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library
- 443Dolphin, Ric
- 441Dolphin Media Inc.
- 233TSX Venture Exchange
Subject / Keyword
- 4703Stock exchanges--Canada--Tables--Periodicals
- 4573Toronto Stock Exchange--Periodicals
- 3139Canada--Parliament--Periodicals
- 1596Canada-- Parliament-- Periodicals
- 768Diplomatic and consular service--Canada--Newspapers
- 767Diplomats--Ontario--Ottawa--Newspapers
- 12402University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources
- 5067University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Daily Record (Toronto Stock Exchange)
- 2751University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Parliament Now
- 1548University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/The Hill Times
- 652Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 593University of Alberta Libraries Licensed Resources/Embassy (Ottawa, Ont.)
“XBee based wireless data relay network and data logger” is an advanced concept of XBee module usage to transmit multiple node data to centralized data logging station. It facilitates to route data packets through the data router station to data logging station from multiple sensor nodes. Apart...
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