Skip to Search Results- 505Department of Sociology
- 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2Department of Political Science
- 1Department of Art and Design
- 1Department of Medical Sciences
- 1Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
- 2Agrios, Jean Marie.
- 2Aujla, Wendy
- 2Avakame, Edem Frank.
- 2Bereska, Tami M.
- 2Krull, Catherine D.
- 2Lagrange, Teresa C.
Consequences of Categorization: National Registration, Surveillance and Social Control in Wartime Canada, 1939-1946
DownloadSpring 2013
This dissertation takes up the question of how socially constructed bureaucratic classifications can become central elements in governing individual action, shaping everyday life and mediating the performances of individual identity. Drawing on the work of Foucault, Butler, Bowker and Star, this...
Fall 2013
This thesis is a multi-modal exploration of the photographer-researcher as a methodological opportunity to gain multiple, collaborative and collective perspectives on living in relation to the Alberta oil sands zone of North America. Using participatory-photography with youth, this thesis is one...
Transforming Choices: An analysis of the trajectory of women's federal imprisonment as articulated in 'Creating Choices' and 'A Roadmap to Public Safety'
DownloadFall 2012
This thesis considers two prominent and contemporary documents pertaining to federal women’s imprisonment in Canada: Creating Choices: The Report of the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women (1990) and A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety (2007). I argue that Creating Choices is a feminist...
Spring 2012
This study explored how seniors experience casino gambling and how they manage risks associated with casino play. The research focused on the patterns of seniors’ casino gambling, the purposes given for play, how seniors perceive and manage risk associated with casino gambling, and whether any...
Spring 2012
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses in children. It and its antecedents have received sociological focus since the 1970s, in studies of how diagnosis and subsequent interventions serve to manage deviant behaviours, as well as accounting...
Fall 2012
In this ethnographic study of the dynamic lives of a population of monuments in Ottawa, I argue that long after they have been unveiled, monuments are imbued with many capacities to act. Monuments inspire loathing or affection, and settle or disturb dominant understandings of place, nation, race,...
Making Meaning in Modern Yoga: Methodological Dialogues on Commodification and Contradiction
DownloadFall 2012
This study explores the meaning of commodification in modern yoga and finds that commodification often contradicts yoga’s ethical principles. Two different analyses of this phenomenon also produce contradictory accounts. One analysis attempts to understand how practitioners experience...
“I’m a good mother”: abused women’s resistance in the face of dominant mothering discourses
DownloadFall 2012
In recent years there has been a burgeoning literature in the area of domestic abuse and motherhood/mothering. However, there is surprisingly little overlap between these two literatures. Both do not specifically consider abused women’s subjective mothering experiences, and do not critically...
Fall 2012
This thesis offers conceptual means for a broadened approach to political economy by examining the reproductive role of consumption in advanced capitalist societies involved in the production of value and class struggle. I argue for a shift in the Marxist perspective, from reproduction of the...
When skills don’t matter: occupational status recovery inequalities within Canada’s highly skilled immigrant population
DownloadFall 2011
This dissertation explores potential explanations for why occupational status recovery inequalities develop within Canada’s highly skilled immigrant population during the first four years of settlement. Using a nationally representative dataset, the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada,...