Skip to Search Results- 504Department of Sociology
- 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2Department of Political Science
- 1Department of Art and Design
- 1Department of Medical Sciences
- 1Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
- 2Agrios, Jean Marie.
- 2Aujla, Wendy
- 2Avakame, Edem Frank.
- 2Bereska, Tami M.
- 2Krull, Catherine D.
- 2Lagrange, Teresa C.
Fall 2020
Once considered out of place in cities, urban agriculture is an increasingly common practice. This dissertation considers questions of urban agriculture and local food through a “production of space” lens. This framing allows for an expanded empiricism, opening up the investigation of urban...
The unheard voices: An exploration of the engagement and disengagement experiences of black ex-youth gang members
DownloadSpring 2020
Youth gangs and the criminal activities they engage in remain a major problem in Canada. Recent media and law enforcement reports suggest that some black youth have been involved with gangs. However, experiences of black ex-youth gang members in Canada have received relatively limited scholarly...
Spring 2020
By exploring the content of the journal Criminology through a critical content analysis, one notices a tendency to approach the concept “crime” as if it were an ontological reality. Many articles reflect an essentialist perspective that takes “crime” for granted, and assumes that it has an...
Fall 2020
Sex work discourse operates with multiple assumptions about what it means to be involved in sex work and, subsequently, what it means to no longer be involved. These assumptions combine to produce a one-dimensional categorical framework for thinking about sex work participation – in which sex...
A Qualitative Study of the Mandatory Transition to Benefits Card Technology for Welfare Recipients in Toronto, Canada
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In Canada, and in many other countries, consumers are increasingly reliant on online payment systems, such as credit and debit cards (Osler, 2018). As these payment technologies become the financial norm, governments and corporations are grappling with how to include people who do not have bank...
Fall 2020
Cannabis was legalized in Canada on October 17, 2018. However, it remains prohibited in amateur sport. Canadian university athletes still face punishments for their use of cannabis such as, suspensions, loss of awards and scholarships, and social stigmatization. This thesis presents the results...
Navigating Risk and Safety: An ethnographic analysis of body rub centres in Edmonton, Alberta
DownloadFall 2020
This Master’s thesis focuses on the experiences of indoor sex workers working in body rub centres in Edmonton, Alberta. In Canada, the research on sex work tends to focus primarily on the experiences of outdoor sex workers although the majority of Canadian sex workers work indoors (Hanger, 2006)....
Fall 2020
This Master’s thesis examines tradeswomen’s experiences of and responses to gendered harassment at camp-based work in resource extraction industries in western Canada. This study predominantly features women working in the Alberta oil sands industry. Gendered harassment at work has been...
Fall 2020
Right-wing extremism is on the rise globally, but despite the growing threat from right-wing terrorists, there is inadequate contemporary scholarship to analyze their ideology, actions, and motivations. This study uses social movement theory to investigate the phenomenon of right-wing extremism....
The Role of Communication in Presenting Union Relevance: An Analysis of the United Nurses of Alberta
DownloadFall 2020
For the past 30 years unions have faced declining membership density because of a combination of increasingly hostile employers and governments, as well as industrial restructuring and globalization. In response, a number of studies have attempted to shed light on possible union renewal...