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- 504Department of Sociology
- 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2Department of Political Science
- 1Department of Art and Design
- 1Department of Medical Sciences
- 1Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 2Agrios, Jean Marie.
- 2Aujla, Wendy
- 2Avakame, Edem Frank.
- 2Bereska, Tami M.
- 2Krull, Catherine D.
- 2Lagrange, Teresa C.
Item type
The Role of Communication in Presenting Union Relevance: An Analysis of the United Nurses of Alberta
DownloadFall 2020
For the past 30 years unions have faced declining membership density because of a combination of increasingly hostile employers and governments, as well as industrial restructuring and globalization. In response, a number of studies have attempted to shed light on possible union renewal...
Fall 2017
This narrative inquiry unfolded alongside three undergraduate students at a large, research-intensive, western Canadian university to understand how echoes of systemic childhood poverty reverberate through their experiences as they compose lives on the university landscape. While countries such...
51 - 60 of 504