Skip to Search Results- 2Carson, Terrance R.
- 2Charles, Christopher
- 2Cheng, Yeewah.
- 2Clarke, Bryan
- 2Couture, Jean-Claude
- 2Cui, Jing
- 16Education
- 16Learning, Psychology of
- 12Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)
- 11Teaching
- 9Curriculum
- 9Hermeneutics
Potential Factors (De)Motivating English Majors’ Autonomous Language Learning beyond the Classroom at a Public Higher Education Institution in Vietnam
DownloadSpring 2024
This study explores factors that might motivate or demotivate English majors' autonomous language learning beyond the classroom (ALLBC) at a Vietnamese public higher education institution (HEI) from the perspectives of both students and their instructors. Purposive sampling was used, and data...
Spring 2024
This study aims to examine the linguistic vitality of the Gorontalo language, which was assessed as a threatened language by Ethnologue in 2020 (Eberhard, et al., 2020). Based on an extensive literature review, two research questions emerged: 1) What is the current language vitality of the...
Alberta Teachers’ Innovations in Classroom Practice Arising from Use of Technology in Online Learning as a Result of COVID-19
DownloadSpring 2024
Abstract In this study, a small sample of Alberta teachers were interviewed about their use of technology in the classroom through three specific time-periods during the COVID-19 pandemic: pre-COVID-19, during COVID-19 and post COVID-19. The Cynefin Framework was used to find changes in...
Spring 2024
Death is an ungraspable phenomenon that will grasp us all, and while humans may go to great lengths to avoid confrontations with death, it inevitably seethes its way into the psyche. The mortal condition of humanity warrants thoughtful and careful consideration, including the ways in which it is...
An Ecological Perspective of Chinese International Students’ Experiences of Social Network Development in a Canadian University
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This study explores the experiences of Chinese international doctoral students as they navigate the development of social support networks within a Canadian university, framed through an Ecological Perspective. The research involved six graduate students from China who participated in this...
Chinese Educators' Intercultural Dialogue with the Dao De Jing and Macbeth: A Hermeneutic Inquiry
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The limited scholarship available on the incorporation of Shakespeare’s plays into an intercultural curriculum has led me to contemplate the prospects of fostering dialogue between Shakespeare and the wisdom traditions of Chinese Daoism in higher education within a globalized context. This...
Fall 2024
Sport coaches in Canada wield significant influence over physical activity levels, which are crucial for lifelong development across all stages of life. In Canada, the Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity (LTDSPA) framework was developed to guide coaches; however, gaps persist in...
Newcomer Learners’ Experiences of Literacy in Canadian High Schools: An Interpretive Inquiry
DownloadFall 2024
While diverse classrooms are an inevitable reality in educational settings today, our knowledge of literacy learning and development in a new language during the adolescent years is limited (Fitzerald, 2017; Uccelli, 2023; Wilcox & Jeffrey, 2018). As there is a close relationship between...
An online developmental adapted physical education licensure: The potential of adding student voices in graduate program improvement
DownloadFall 2024
Many physical education teachers do not feel adequately prepared during their university programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities in their classrooms (McGrath et al., 2019). These professionals must navigate the demands of large class sizes, a wide variety of abilities, numerous...
Investigating the process of implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning in a University- Certificated Professional Development Program for EFL In-Service Teachers in Egypt
DownloadFall 2023
The current interpretive qualitative study explores the process of implementation of inquiry-based learning (IBL) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ certificated professional development programs at a higher education institution (HEI) in Egypt. The victories and barriers seen in...