Skip to Search Results- 477Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
- 2Department of Biological Sciences
- 2Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 1Department of Computing Science
- 1Department of Public Health Sciences
- 7Frei, Christoph (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Hillen, Thomas (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Kong, Linglong (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 7Lewis, Mark (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 6Han, Bin (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 6Kashlak, Adam (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Fall 2014
Financial systemic crisis could be broadly understood as the deterioration of the banking sector which results in damage to the real economy. From elementary accounting, a firm's financial position can be characterized by the value of its asset holdings versus the amount it borrow from others. If...
Spring 2022
This work develops numerical methods (finite difference methods) for equations of fluid dynamics and equations of elasticity reformulated in the stress variables (as opposed to natural variables) and applies them to the Fluid-Structure Interac- tion (FSI) problem using a new model based on the...
Fall 2009
Let $A1$ denote the first Weyl algebra over a field $K$ of characteristic 0; that is, $A1$ is generated over $K$ by elements $p$, $q$ that satisfy the relation $pq-qp=1$. One can view $A1$ as an algebra of differential operators by setting $q=X$, $p=d/dX$. The basic questions which are addressed...
Fall 2023
Determinantal point processes (DPPs) arise as important tools in various aspects of mathematics, such as stochastic processes, random matrices, and combinatorics. Over the last decade, DPPs have also been widely used in ma- chine learning community; they are especially popular in subset selection...
Modelling Mountain Pine Beetle Abundance and Distribution in Novel Hosts and Changing Climate
DownloadSpring 2024
The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae, Hopkins 1902), an invasive bark beetle native to North America, has expanded its habitat from central British Columbia to Northern Alberta. This expansion poses an immediate threat to jack pine forests, which extend from Alberta to Nova Scotia....
Spring 2024
This dissertation is concerned with the parameter estimation problem for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and Vasicek models and the product formula for multiple Itˆo integrals of L´evy processes. In the first part of the thesis, we study the parameter estimation for Ornstein- Uhlenbeck processes...
Spring 2024
We consider the Cauchy problem to the Magneto-Hydrodynamics Equations (MHD) in R^3, and present specific criteria for which its corresponding energy equality holds. Specifically, we show that very weak solutions to the MHD equations (in the distributional sense) satisfy the energy equality,...
Mathematical modeling of HIV-1 therapeutic initiatives: shock and kill strategy in the brain and the natural control of the virus in the plasma
DownloadSpring 2024
This thesis is based on four main studies. The first two studies present a detailed methodology for completing dynamical system parameter estimation using Bayesian inference. The next two studies are about using this methodology to investigate critical human immunodeficiency virus-1 therapeutic...
Fall 2013
We determine the decomposition of the Chow motive of a Del Pezzo surface S of degree 5 or 6 with a K-rational point pt : K → S into a direct sum of Chow motives. In each case, we give a Gal (K = K)-permutation resolution of the Picard group Pic (K x KS) and deduce that there is some étale algebra...
Spring 2024
Efficient algorithms for computing linear convolutions based on the fast Fourier transform are developed. A hybrid approach is described that combines the conventional practice of explicit dealiasing (explicitly padding the input data with zeros) and implicit dealiasing (mathematically accounting...