Skip to Search Results- 2Hurabielle, Jacques Pierre Emile.
- 2Macris, Vicki
- 2McFadyen, Krista
- 2Pillay, Thashika
- 2Vergis, Elizabeth
- 1Abate, Tsion Demeke
Navigating the Tensions: Decolonizing Work with the Parents in a Rural Alberta School: An Autoethnographic Account
DownloadFall 2021
In the fall of 2016 I began working at a small elementary school in rural Alberta. As both the principal and a teacher in the school, I set about making changes designed to meet the Calls to Action of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission while also opening up our classrooms to Indigenous...
Learning in Social Action in Contexts of Mining Dispossession: A Critical Case Study of Roșia Montană, Romania
DownloadSpring 2021
Witiw, Taylor Kermit Christopher
Transnational corporations promise win-win development, but extractive projects often deliver dispossession, displacement, impoverishment, environmental degradation, and disrupt social relations in rural localities. These conditions can in turn engender contestation and resistance to...
Spring 2021
Digital libraries are online environments for organizing, sharing, and providing access to resources in digital form. Ideally, their content, functionality, organization, and metadata should reflect the needs, interests, and contexts of the communities they are meant to serve. Indigenous...
Towards Care-Centered Leadership in Higher Education: A Narrative Inquiry into Care Ethics Experiences and Practices of Academic Leaders
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In the wake and work of present-day social movements, on our campuses and beyond, there is growing recognition that, as academics, we ought to care—not just for our research and our students, but also for each other and our communities more broadly. Indeed, it has been and remains critical that...
Mentorship as Co-Created Relational Learning Alongside Trans and Non-binary Young Adults: A Visual Narrative Inquiry
DownloadSpring 2021
For trans and non-binary young adults, impoverished social support hampers positive identity formation and can have lifelong consequences. Mentorship may provide a platform to voice often silenced stories and counter hegemonic narratives such as hetero- and cisnormativity. Despite its potential,...
Unmasking Global Education Industries and Their Capital Accumulation Strategies: On Materiality and Discourse
DownloadSpring 2021
The notion of education as being part of the “commons,” as a societal or public good, is slowly giving way to pressures of marketization, privatization, and commodification—and thus, re-imagined, reconfigured, and re-appropriated as an object of trade, increasingly for sale, based on individual...
Sedimentation and Standards: An interpretation of the 2018 Alberta Leadership Quality Standard from a Gadamerian perspective
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This dissertation is an interpretive document on the Leadership Quality Standard policy that was released in Alberta, Canada in 2018. In it, I examine the tensions, contradictions, and possibilities that emerge in this policy document. Using the hermeneutic philosophy of Hans Georg Gadamer I hope...
Stories of Faculty who Served as Academic Administrators: Career-Life Experiences and Academic Identities of five Associate Deans
DownloadSpring 2021
Deans, chairs, associate deans, and associate chairs are, as academic administrators, at the nexus of the university organization. Much has been written on educational leadership theory and practice and on organizational theory, management, and behaviour. I have come to wonder, though, what the...
Employees’ Perceptions of Anti-Harassment Training Program Design: Whole Person Pedagogical Approach
DownloadFall 2021
The purpose of this study was to explore reasons why workplace harassment continues to increase despite the widespread implementation of compulsory anti-harassment training programs in the workplace. The primary objective of the research was to explore trainees’ perceptions of attending the...
Fall 2021
Background: The voices and experiences of black women in higher education in Canada have largely been absent. When they do speak out against institutional structures or challenging issues of power, they encounter issues of colonialism, racism, gendering, silencing, and othering. Such experiences...