Skip to Search Results- 2Aubet, Natalie
- 2Beckers, Justin F.
- 2Buryak, Serhiy D.
- 2Castro de la Guardia, Laura
- 2Davies, Joshua
- 2Funk, Sean P
- 19Gingras, Murray (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 16Stachel, Thomas (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 14Alessi, Daniel (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 12Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 11Sharp, Martin (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 10Herd, Christopher (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Bioturbation and Resource Quality: A Case Study from the Upper Cretaceous Lysing and Nise Formations, Ellida and Midnatsoll Fields, Norwegian Sea
DownloadSpring 2013
Nine cores (approx. 156 m) within the Upper Cretaceous Lysing and Nise formations (Møre Basin, Norwegian continental shelf) are studied in order to assess the relationship between bioturbate fabric and the resulting permeability distribution. Overall, the Lysing and Nise formations strata...
Biogeochemistry of meromictic pit lakes and permeable reactive barriers at the Cluff Lake uranium mine
DownloadFall 2019
Mining generates not only vast amounts of waste rock and tailings but is also responsible for far-reaching contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water, which often requires remediation. This thesis focused on the biogeochemistry of two types of remediation technologies applied at the...
Biogenic and Abiotic Carbonates in Altered Oceanic Crust (AOC) and Implications to Subduction Zone Carbon Cycle
DownloadFall 2017
Altered oceanic crust (AOC) is an important carbon reservoir for subduction-zone carbon recycling. However, the character of the carbon reservoir (e.g., total budget and isotopic signatures) in AOC has not been well constrained. Here, based on analyses of contents and isotope compositions of 73...
Spring 2016
Two bioclastic intervals within the Early Triassic Montney Formation in British Columbia, Canada, were examined for sedimentological and paleontological evidence of their deposition. Twenty seven core were analyzed for sedimentological characteristics and then sampled for further paleontological...
Behaviour of Ore-Forming Elements in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle Below the Slave Craton
DownloadFall 2020
The transport and depositional controls of ore-forming elements such as Ag, Au, Bi, Cu, Mo, Pb, Pt, and Zn has been extensively studied in crustal environments, but the behaviour of these elements within Earth’s mantle require further study. This thesis presents new petrographic and geochemical...
Basalt Genesis Across the Solar System: Observational and Experimental Studies of Shergottite and Eucrite Meteorites
DownloadSpring 2017
This thesis consists of three projects based on exploring igneous processes on two parent bodies: the HED (howardite-eucrite-diogenite) parent body and Mars. The HED parent body is an asteroidal parent body (possibly Vesta) that differentiated rapidly in the early solar system; Mars is a planet...
Fall 2018
Banded iron formations (BIF) are a key chemical sedimentary record for examining the evolution of the early oceans, atmosphere, and biosphere. While the classic model suggests that BIF were deposited by either anoxygenic photoferrotrophs or oxygen producing cyanobacteria, recent studies have...
Backcountry snowmobilers’ risk perceptions, avalanche related information seeking behaviours, preparedness and decision-making processes
DownloadFall 2013
Although there has been substantial research on the avoidance of risk, much less has been completed on voluntary risk. This study examined backcountry snowmobilers’ risk perceptions, avalanche related information seeking behaviours, and decision-making processes when dealing with avalanches and...