Skip to Search Results- 1352Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
- 3Department of Biomedical Engineering
- 2Department of Biological Sciences
- 2Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
- 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 1Department of Human Ecology
- 2Bendrich, Michelle
- 2El-Thaher, Nayef
- 2Fadic Eulefi, Anton
- 2Hoseinzadeh Hejazi, Sayed Alireza
- 2Hosseininejad, Seyed Shaham Aldin
- 2Kammammettu, Sanjula
- 44Xu, Zhenghe (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 40Huang, Biao (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 34Liu, Qingxia (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 29Zeng, Hongbo (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 27Henein, Hani (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 21Gupta, Rajender (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
Understanding Surface Forces and Interaction Mechanisms in Mineral Flotation by Atomic Force Microscopy
DownloadFall 2019
Bubble-particle interactions are ubiquitous and crucial to mineral fotation. The bubble-particle attachment process is mainly governed by three surface forces: van der Waals (vdW), electrical double-layer (EDL), and hydrophobic (HB) forces. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has become the most...
Understanding stability of water-in-diluted bitumen emulsions by colloidal force measurements
DownloadSpring 2011
Removal of emulsified water is a challenge in oil sands and heavy oil processing. The flocculation and coagulation of emulsified water droplets depend on the interactions between the water droplets covered mainly by asphaltenes and oil-contaminated fine solids. To quantitatively evaluate the...
Spring 2023
The extraction of bitumen from oil sands is an energy and water-intensive process that produces a tailings byproduct containing sands, clays, water, and residual bitumen. Larger particles eventually settle out of the tailings, but fine particles – stabilized by the residual bitumen – remain...
Spring 2017
Interactions mechanisms of deformable air bubbles and liquid droplets play critical roles in many established and modern industrial processes. Understanding the interaction mechanisms of oil droplets and air bubbles is of fundamental and practical importance to solve many challenging issues,...
Understanding antifouling mechanisms of bio-inspired functional coatings and developing antifouling surfaces based on mussel-inspired wet adhesive chemistry
DownloadFall 2024
Bio-inspired antifouling materials have been widely studied in recent years in a variety of engineering fields, such as biomedical devices, marine industry, oil/water separation, and water treatment. However, studies on the corresponding intermolecular interactions between the bio-inspired...
Fall 2014
Management of oil sands tailings from bitumen extraction operations remains a challenge for mineable oil sands producers. Promoting fine solids settling in tailings ponds is key to treating oil sands tailings. Present study explores two methods of tailings treatment – ATA process and polymer...
Fall 2012
Built on the established success of Al-PAM, an in-house synthesized, organic-inorganic hybrid polymer, for flocculation and filtration of fresh oil sands extraction tailings, this research is to understand working mechanism of Al-PAM, focusing on the effect of Al-PAM properties (molecular weight...
Fall 2017
Asphaltene is the most difficult fraction of bitumen and heavy oil to upgrade, as it has low H/C, high molecular weight and metal content. Asphaltenes are insoluble in paraffinic solvents, and undergo aggregation and coke formation during refining and cracking processes. No attention is usually...
Spring 2020
ML80 and Grade 483 are heat treatable steels, produced by a quench and temper process, that are used in the oil and gas industry. The development of the microstructure during heat treatment is important to ensure that the correct properties are achieved for these steels. However, a real-time...