Skip to Search Results- 2Alzaben, Abeer Salman
- 2Ebadi, Maryam
- 2Haisan, Jennifer L
- 2Ho, Linda
- 2Kim, Yong Min
- 2Kubota, Hiroshi
- 10McMullen, Lynn (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
- 8Gänzle, Michael (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
- 7Bressler, David (Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science)
- 7Oba, Masahito (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
- 7Wu, Jianping (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
- 6Temelli, Feral (Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science)
Evaluation of an on-farm preconditioning program and novel spore-based mucosal vaccine as tools to mitigate bovine respiratory disease
DownloadFall 2024
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most costly disease in the North American feedlot industry. Antimicrobials are mainly used to prevent BRD in feedlots. However, concerns over antimicrobial use and rising resistance in key BRD pathogens necessitate alternative strategies to reduce...
Identifying superior photosynthetic efficiency traits in canola (Brassica napus L.) germplasm
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Canada is the world’s largest producer of canola (Brassica napus), contributing 54% of global production in 2021. However, Canada’s canola yield is not growing at the required pace to reach the targets and compete with other canola producers. To address this issue, multifaceted approaches must be...
An Investigation of Colostral IgG in the Neonatal Bovine Intestine from Birth to “Gut Closure”
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IgG absorption from colostrum is essential for transfer of passive immunity in the neonatal calf; despite best practices for colostrum feeding – administering 3L of a colostrum with >50 mg/mL IgG content within 6 hrs of life - some calves still have failure of transfer of passive immunity as...
Study of the C genome QTL affecting flowering time in spring oilseed Brassica napus under a short-day condition
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Brassica napus, mostly known as canola, is an important oilseed crop in Canada. Earliness of flowering and maturity are one of the important traits for growing spring canola in North America. These traits can be improved through identification of the genes and alleles affecting flowering time...
Enhancing nutrition care in advanced pancreatic cancer: Defining clinical contributors to malnutrition progression and the impact of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
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Introduction: Advanced pancreatic cancer (aPC) is an incurable disease in which palliative chemotherapy is offered to extend life. Most patients will experience cancer-associated malnutrition (CAM), marked by ongoing skeletal muscle loss and associated with poor survival and patient distress....
Fall 2024
Industrial hemp is a versatile crop producing nutrient-rich hempseed and a large quantity of biomass. Bast fibre and hurd are excellent materials derived from hemp straw, while bioactive ingredients are extracted from flower heads and leaves. The environmental impacts associated with hemp...
Factors Influencing Verticillium Stripe in Canola: Blackleg Interaction, Host Resistance, and pH
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Verticillium stripe, caused by Verticillium longisporum, is emerging as an important disease of canola (Brassica napus) in Canada. This thesis aimed to enhance understanding of potential interactions between Verticillium stripe and blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans), assess the influence of pH on...
Effects of Ruminal Short-chain Fatty Acids and pH on Gastrointestinal Development of Dairy Calves
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Paez Martins Narciso, Matheus Henrique
While the importance of pH and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) on rumen development in calves is well-known, their impact on the small and large intestines are unclear. This study investigated the effects of ruminal SCFA concentrations ([SCFA]) and pH on performance and hindgut fermentation and...
Evaluation of potential alternatives to replace antibiotic growth promoters in broiler chicken diets
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The phasing out of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) from livestock diets has increased the risk of enteric diseases in broilers; therefore, effective AGP replacements must be found. The objective of this Ph.D. thesis was to investigate three novel products as potential AGP replacements in...
Immunogenicity Of Novel CHO- And HEK293- Produced Variants Of The Atheroprotective chP3R99 mAb In Distinct Animal Models
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally and exert a significant burden on healthcare systems and public governmental institutions. Atherosclerosis is a predominant form of CVD characterized by the accumulation of cholesterol-rich lipoproteins within the innermost...