Skip to Search Results- 472Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 220Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/AOSERP Reports
- 83Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Government of Alberta Reports
- 72Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/OSRIN Technical Reports
- 61Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reports
- 37Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 471Report
- 37Thesis
- 6Article (Draft / Submitted)
- 3Research Material
- 2Conference/Workshop Poster
- 2Conference/Workshop Presentation
Relationships between habitats, forages and carrying capacity of moose range in Northern Alberta Part 1: Moose preferences for habitat and strata and forages
Relationships between moose (Alces alces andersoni) and the habitat strata and forages available to them in northern Alberta were studied within the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program (AOSERP) study area during fall (September through November 1976) and winter (December 1976 through...
Syncrude Canada Ltd. Lease 17 is located in the boreal mixedwood forest ecosystem. It lies within an area of moderately-low biological productivity. Thirty per cent of the lease is in the muskeg habitat type. The winter climate is severe. Energy cycling between soils, plants and animals occurs...
Olson, R., Peters, R., Bertram, H., Thomson, B.
A study of the wet deposition of atmospheric pollutants in northeastern Alberta was initiated by Alberta Environment and Atmospheric Environment Service in 1976. The objectives of this ongoing study are to determine changes in the input rate of atmospheric trace substances into sensitive...
Benign-by-Design: Synthesis of Engineered Silicon Nanoparticles and their Application to Oil Sands Water Contaminant Remediation
Iqbal, M., Veinot, J.G.C., Purkait, T.K., Goss, G.G.
Oil sands are naturally occurring mixtures of sand or clay, water, fine silts, and bitumen. The oil sands extraction process consumes large volumes of water (i.e., ca. 3 barrels of fresh water for every 1 barrel of oil). Following the extraction of bitumen from the oil sands, a tailings slurry...
The OSRIN Story: Five Years of Creating and Sharing Oil Sands Environmental Management Knowledge
The Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN) was originally proposed to the Oil Sands Environmental Management Division of Alberta Environment by the School of Energy and the Environment (SEE), University of Alberta in December 2007. The need for OSRIN was described as follows:...
The following technical manual is intended to document the computer file which contains the results of the A.O.S.E.R.P. Study of Human Adjustment in Fort McMurray. This manual contains several sections which refer either to the accompanying computer output from that file, or to the technical...
Peter C. Nichols & Associates Ltd.
This study was commissioned to review the economic evolution of the Athabasca Oil Sands region since 1961. The research involved, first, the identification, review, and analysis of existing data sources and that information is included in an annotated bibliography. The existing information base...
Review and annotated bibliography of stream diversion and stream restoration techniques and associated effects on aquatic biota
Stream diversion projects in the Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Research Program study area that have been or will be required in the course of oil sands development are outlined. The effects of stream diversions on aquatic life, natural recovery of stream ecosystems from the effects of...