Skip to Search Results- 472Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 220Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/AOSERP Reports
- 83Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Government of Alberta Reports
- 72Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/OSRIN Technical Reports
- 61Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reports
- 35Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 471Report
- 35Thesis
- 5Article (Draft / Submitted)
- 3Research Material
- 2Conference/Workshop Poster
- 2Conference/Workshop Presentation
Dermott, C. A., Sims, H. P., Ziemkiewicz, P. F.
The workshop recorded in these proceedings was organized by the Alberta Reclamation Research Technical Advisory Committee as the first step in developing a Native Shrub Research Program for reclamation. While the importance of a detailed literature survey was recognized and is presently...
Water quality of the Athabasca oil sands area: Volume IV - an interim compilation of non-AOSERP water quality data
Akena, A. M., Christian, L. L.
Studies of the water quality of the Athabasca Oil Sands area (Figures 1 and 2) streams, rivers, and lakes have been conducted by numerous organizations and government agencies since the 1950’s. The earlier studies involved efforts by provincial and federal government departments interested in...
Belosevic, M., Singh, A., Gamal El-Din, M., Li, C., McPhedran, K., Chelme-Ayala, P., Klamerth, N.
Large volumes of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) are produced by the surface-mining oil sands industry in Alberta. The industry is following a no-release practice for OSPW due to its potential environmental toxicity. Both laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that OSPW is toxic...
Synthesis of surface water hydrology
The drainage system of the study area consists of a number of rivers draining from the west and from the east into the Athabasca River north of Fort McMurray, as well as a few rivers which join the Athabasca near Fort McMurray and drain areas to the south and east. Runoff from within the study...
Aquatic biophysical inventory of major tributaries in the AOSERP study area Vol I
This report summarizes and compares the physical characteristics of nine streams within five watersheds (Firebag, Muskeg, Steepbank, MacKay, and Ells) in the AOSERP study area. The distributions and relative abundances of fish in each stream and watershed are also described and related to the...
Hourly data on net surface radiation (Q) on a horizontal surface are analyzed. An equation which computes the diurnal variation of Q from a knowledge of cloud cover and the sun's declination is presented for use in operational air quality models. The three constants in the model (characteristic...
Environmental requirements for oil sands operations have increased over time and are likely to continue to do so. Oil sands operators are responsible for the costs associated with meeting environmental requirements prescribed by the government. However, the province’s oil sands royalty regime...
Qualifying Environmental Trusts as Financial Security for Oil Sands Reclamation Liabilities
Sandilya, A., Maier, M., Dixon, R., Schneider, T.
The Alberta oil sands resource is vast; however, the amount that can be accessed via open-pit mining is limited. The process of extracting oil from bitumen via open-pit mining has now been going on for decades and could be considered a mature industry. Under Alberta law, plans for the...
Hastings, R., Olson, R., Ellis, R.
The chemical characteristics of snow in the Oil Sands area of northeastern Alberta have been monitored periodically since 1976. The accumulation of pollutants in the snowpack can be an effective indicator of total winter deposition as the snowpack preserves a continuous record of materials...